WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 2 match grades, results: Roman Reigns becomes undisputed champion, Vince McMahon fights Pat McAfee

Daniel Yanofsky

WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 2 match grades, results: Roman Reigns becomes undisputed champion, Vince McMahon fights Pat McAfee image

Night two of WrestleMania 38 was a show for the ages. Inside AT&T Stadium in Texas, Universal Champion Roman Reigns defeated Brock Lesnar to win the WWE Title. He is now the undisputed/unified champion. 

It was a quick but hard fought match between Reigns and Lesnar, who are no strangers to one another. Reigns ended the night with a spear. Who is next for "The Tribal Chief" now that he has more gold? 

Other titles were defended at WrestleMania, as Sasha Banks and Naomi won the WWE Women's Tag Team Titles, and Randy Orton and Riddle successfully defended the RAW Tag Team Titles. 

Before the Reigns-Lesnar match, Pat McAfee had the crowd in the palm of his hands, as he took on Austin Theory. Beating Theory, McAfee then had a match with Vince McMahon. The 76-year-old McMahon beat McAfee but McAfee was saved by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Austin, who wrestled Kevin Owens during night one, Stunned Theory, McMahon, and McAfee to the delight of the crowd. 

MORE: WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 1 results, match grades: Cody Rhodes, Stone Cold return; Bianca Belair wins 'Raw' women's title

Johnny Knoxville and Sami Zayn also competed in a wild wrestling match full of hijinks. Bobby Lashley defeated the large Omos, while Sheamus and Ridge Holland beat The New Day in a match that lasted less than two minutes. Finally, Edge defeated AJ Styles in what was described as a dream match. 

Here's how it all went down: 

Jessie James Decker sang America the Beautiful before the show began. Everyone is ready for another night of WrestleMania. 

Triple H returns

Triple H opens the show to a thunderous ovation. Crowd says "Thank you Hunter" as Triple H is breathing it all in. Triple H says "thank you" to the crowd and welcomes everyone to WrestleMania. He then left his boots in the ring, signifying the end of his in-ring career. 

While it wasn't a match, it was a really good moment for Triple H, who can no longer wrestle due to a recent health issue. 

Grade: A+

Gable Steveson was announced in the crowd. 

Randy Orton and Riddle retain RAW Tag Team Titles

From Triple H to Randy Orton, the RAW Tag Team Title match opened up WrestleMania. Chad Gable tried to "shoosh" Riddle, but Riddle kicked him in the head. Things got heated in a hurry, as everyone entered the ring to attack one another. Montez Ford took out everyone with a top rope splash. Gable hit a top rope moonsault to the outside.

Things slowed down when Otis and Riddle were in the ring together. Riddle played the face in peril as Gable continued what Otis started. Angelo Dawkins, Riddle, and Otis had a small exchange, with Riddle still in trouble. Riddle finally tagged in Randy Orton who cleaned house. He attacked everyone in and out of the ring. Orton and Riddle both landed an assisted-rope DDT, and the crowd was eating it up. As both went for the RKO, Alpha Academy stopped their momentum. Street Profits landed a blockbuster but Gable kicked out in a close moment. Riddle landed a top rope RKO onto Montez Ford. Orton then landed an RKO on a flying Gable for the win. 

A very fun opener to kick off WrestleMania. That top rope RKO was a thing of beauty. Orton and Riddle retaining was the right call. 

Grade: A

The Street Profits then invited Orton and Riddle to drink with them, and they also invited Gable Steveson in the ring. Gable interrupted and Steveson landed a suplex on him. 

Bobby Lashley def. Omos

Omos towers over Lashley and the former starting pounding away. Lashley tried to use his power against Omos but to no avail. He slaps Omos and Omos gets mad and hurts Lashley more. A Hurt Locker attempt and Omos powers out. A top rope attempt by Lashley gets stopped and Omos just launches him down to the floor. Bear hug by Omos and Lashley head goes into the top turnbuckle. A suplex by Lashley, a spear to Omos' back, and a front spear by Lashley ends it. 

Lashley winning was not what many expected would happen. Omos is still green in the ring and it showed, as he missed several big moves and appeared to have hurt Lashley. Credit to Lashley for making the match passible to some degree. Solid comeback moment for the former champion. 

Grade: D+

Johnny Knoxville def. Sami Zayn

Johnny Knoxville came out to Andy Kaufman-like gear. Zayn hit a Helluva Kick right away and just started punishing Knoxville. Knoxville hit Zayn with a fire extinguisher and started filling the ring with weapons. Zayn hit Knoxville with a crutch and a garbage can. Zayn tried getting more weapons and found a table full of mousetraps. Zayn landed an Exploder Suplex through a table. A blow horn stops Zayn from further attacks. 

Chris Pontius as "Party Boy" comes into the ring and distracts Zayn. Wee Man appears and lands a bodyslam onto Zayn. A DDT by Knoxville and a close two count. Zayn attacked Wee Man. Zayn was on the top rope, but Knoxville set off pyro to distract Zayn. Knoxville hit a bowling ball to the groin of Zayn, then a mechanical boot to the groin as well. Knoxville tried to tase Zayn but Zayn ran into a big hand. Knoxville throws Zayn through the mouse trap table. The Jackass crew then bring in a giant mouse trap and Zayn gets caught in it. Knoxville covered Zayn for the win. 

This match had no right being this entertaining, but it worked. Credit to Knoxville for entering a WWE ring, and credit to Zayn for enduring so much. Most entertaining WWE match in a long time. 

Grade: A

MORE: Ranking the top 10 celebrity appearances at WrestleMania

Sasha Banks and Naomi win the Women's Tag Team Titles

Rhea Ripley starts things off with Carmella, but Carmella tags in Sasha Banks. Banks and Ripley exchange moves and then Liv Morgan tagged in. Morgan and Banks dove out the ring and took out everyone. Baszler and Morgan got into it, with Baszler attacking her ankle. Zelina lands Code Red but Ripley saves Liv. Rear View by Naomi and a Backstabber by Banks, these two have great chemistry as a team. Hurricanrana by Carmella to Ripley and Zelina takes her out for good. Sasha and Naomi try for stereo splashes but Ripley and Morgan land two Tower of Doom spots with all the competitors. 

Double team moves galore to Naomi but Banks saves her partner. Natalya and Baszler try a Hart Attack to Naomi but Zelina and Carmella stop them. Knee by Zelina and a superkick by Carmella but Naomi kicks out. Banks tags in, lands a Frog Splash but only for two. A Bank Statement attempt, and then Banks and Naomi double team Carmella. Banks and Naomi win the tag team titles following an impressive double team move. 

These women did a great job considering the crowd was tired after the Knoxville match. They quickly won them back over. A solid match, and Sasha and Naomi becoming the new champions was the right call. Naomi going from feuding with Sonya Deville to winning gold at WrestleMania is a good story. 

Grade: B+

Edge def. AJ Styles 

Styles was already bleeding before the match began, possibly from the pyro from his entrance. It was later revealed that he clipped his head on the WrestleMania sign. It appears that Edge was honoring The Undertaker with his ring gear. Edge and Styles start off hot right out of the gate, with arm drags and dropkicks. Crowd is now split in this dream matchup. 

Styles tries for a 450 Splash, but Edge puts his knees up. Edge then attacked the body of Styles, looking to take advantage of the situation. Holding his knee, Edge attacked Styles' bad shoulder and slowed things all the way down. Styles tried to find some momentum but slipped into the middle rope. Styles then suplexed Edge into the turnbuckles, finally showing signs of life. He would land ground and pound shots but took too long and Edge attacked the arm again. Edge with an STF but Styles goes to the ropes. Styles lands a leaping DDT and a torture rack slam. 

Both trade blows on the floor, with the crowd still split. Styles with headbutts and slaps. A Pele Kick lands and Styles locks in the Calf Crusher. A modified crossface by Edge but Styles gets out of it. Edge lands a powerbomb and tried to perform a move off the top rope. Styles with a suplex off the ring apron.

Styles finally lands the 450 on the back of Edge but only for two. Styles missed a forearm, Edge missed a spear, and Styles landed the Styles Clash, but only for two. Going for the forearm again, Damian Priest interrupts the match. A distracted Styles gets hit with a spear for the win. 

While slow to start, the match really picked up in the middle and the end. It looks like Edge's rumored stable with Priest has begun. Priest didn't need to be in the match, but it didn't necessarily take away from it. How about these two run it back? 

Grade: A

Announced attendance was 78,453 for night two of WrestleMania. 

Sheamus and Ridge Holland def. The New Day 

New Day was honoring Big E, who has a broken neck from a match against Ridge Holland. Kofi Kingston with a Trouble in Paradise but Sheamus stops the three count. Butch (Pete Dunne) tries to interfere as best as he can. Brogue Kick to Kofi, Butch distracts the referee and Sheamus lands another Brogue Kick. Holland then pins Xavier Woods in a quick match. 

It was revealed that this match was booted from night one due to time. It appears time forced this match to be short (less than two minutes), which is a shame. 

Grade: D

MORE: ‘I will never wrestle again’: Triple H explains decision to retire on 'First Take' to Stephen A. Smith

Undertaker came out once again to a thunderous ovation. 

Pat McAfee def. Austin Theory

Vince McMahon strutted his way to the ring, and announced Austin Theory as a future Universal Champion. Pat McAfee came out to "Seven Nation Army" and with the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders by his side.

McAfee lands a few right hands as Theory wasn't expecting that. Theory then attacks the throat and just starts stomping on McAfee. McAfee with a spinning elbow and a hurricanrana. Snap suplex by Theory as McMahon looks on. Theory runs around the ring, showboating to the booing fans. McAfee with a suplex of his own. Theory bounced off the announce table, and starting doing commentary while beating on Theory. Going up top, McAfee tries for Swanton Bomb, but misses. Theory only gets a two following a move of his own.

Theory goes up top but McAfee tries to stop him. He lands on his feet from the top rope, springboards to the top, and lands a superplex. McAfee tried for the punt kick but Theory lands a big shot to the face. Theory goes for his finisher but McAfee wins with a rollup. 

McAfee has only wrestled a few times, but he has taken every opportunity and has rolled with it. He had the crowd in the palm of his hands. What a performance. Kudos to Theory for having a WrestleMania moment, even in defeat. 

Grade: A-

But wait... there's more: 

Vince McMahon def. Pat McAfee 

McAfee calls out McMahon and now Vince enters the ring. Theory blindsides McAfee and now McAfee and McMahon are having a match. McMahon and Theory double team McAfee, and McMahon punts a football to the face of McAfee, pinning him for the win. "Stone Cold" then comes out, attacks Theory and gives him a Stunner. Austin and McMahon have a beer before Austin stuns McMahon one more time. McAfee then gets Stunned to end his night. 

Was this needed? Probably not, especially if the New Day vs. Sheamus and Ridge Holland match could have gotten more time. If this leads to McMahon vs Austin next year, however, sign me up! 

Grade: D

Roman Reigns def. Brock Lesnar, becomes Undisputed Champion 

Lesnar removed his MMA gloves, showing he is ready for a battle. 

Both start pounding away at one another, as Lesnar powers Reigns into the ropes. Multiple suplexes by Lesnar as Reigns goes to the floor. Heyman distracts Lesnar and Reigns spears Lesnar through the barricade.

Lesnar gets in before the ref can count to ten and Reigns spears him for two. Superman Punch by Reigns but Lesnar is up quickly. Another Superman Punch, but Lesnar is laughing. Suplex by Lesnar, and he lands four more. F-5 attempt but Reigns lands another Superman Punch. Spear attempt turns into an F-5, but only for two. Another F-5 attempt, but Reigns spears Lesnar into the referee. Reigns lands a low blow and hits Lesnar with the title, but Lesnar kicks out. 

Talking to the crowd, Reigns spears Lesnar from his back, but Lesnar grabs the ropes. Another spear but Lesnar lands the kimura lock. Reigns' arm is hurt as he escapes, but manages to land a spear for a three. 

The crowd was into this match, one of the first times a Lesnar-Reigns match got their full support. The finish came out of nowhere. Compared to their previous matches, this one could have been better. That is not saying it was bad, however. Reigns is now a unified champion. It is uncertain what that means for WWE moving forward.  

Grade: B-

Daniel Yanofsky