Am I the only one? One more match for HBK; Owens not a quitter; safe mode over Brie mode

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? One more match for HBK; Owens not a quitter; safe mode over Brie mode image

Every week, former WWE creative writer Kevin Eck runs down his thoughts from "RAW," "SmackDown" and the world of pro wrestling, and previews the week ahead.

‘RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… thought the promo segment with Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker was the best thing on the show?

Don’t get me wrong: I still have no interest in seeing the match between The Undertaker and Triple H at “Super ShowDown” from Australia on Oct. 6, but the verbal confrontation between old rivals “The Heartbreak Kid” and “The Dead Man” was compelling. It also planted a seed for another match between Michaels and Undertaker.

That’s not a good thing, by the way.

… doesn’t want Michaels to come out of retirement to face Undertaker again?

No one is a bigger HBK fan than I am, but I have no desire to see him wrestle “one more match;” I’d much rather him be one of the very few wrestlers who said they were retiring and stuck to it.

The Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer is reporting that the working idea internally is for Michaels to return to the ring on WWE’s next show in Saudi Arabia on Nov. 2 — but in a tag match.

MORE: Renee Young set to make a big jump to the "RAW" commentary team

I really thought Michaels had moved on and was going to be a man of his word about not wrestling again, but I suppose “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase’s catch phrase might be true after all. It’s beginning to look like the only way Michaels stepping back into the ring won’t happen is if he’s asked to do the job. Because you know what that will lead to.

… thinks Brie Bella needs to take the suicide dive out of her repertoire?

It’s admirable that Brie is willing to push herself beyond her comfort zone in an effort to make her matches more exciting, but after seeing her scary-looking face plant on the floor, I’m convinced discretion is the better part of valor.

On a side note, am I the only one wondering why Brie is the only person on the roster who gets to appear on both “RAW” and “SmackDown Live?”

… was shocked to see Kevin Owens return so quickly?

I was intrigued by Owens quitting on “RAW” the week before last and was hoping it would lead to another significant push for him when he returned, possibly as a babyface. But before we were even given a chance to miss him, KO was back on “RAW” to attack Bobby Lashley. Did plans change? Was there even a plan?

… doesn’t like Drake Maverick being put with Authors of Pain?

It’s nice that the powers that be in WWE recognized that AOP desperately needed a mouthpiece, but Maverick is not the right guy for the role. For starters, the babyface general manager of “205 Live” managing a heel tag team on “RAW” is a disconnect. WWE really expects viewers to just accept that Maverick is an annoying heel on Mondays and a fair-minded GM on Tuesdays?

Moreover, while I understand the logic behind putting a diminutive manager with a pair of monsters, dressing Maverick in AOP’s tactical gear looks absurd, and not in a heat-generating way. It’s not like Paul Ellering (remember him?) wore spiked shoulder pads and had a mohawk when he managed The Road Warriors.

Knowing Vince McMahon, I’m sure the reason he likes Maverick with AOP is because they don’t look right together. (“That’s thinking outside the box, dammit.”) It’s the same reason he put Alberto Del Rio and Zeb Colter together, and James Ellsworth with Carmella.

If McMahon was dead set on having a funny, short guy manage AOP, he could’ve probably coaxed Rocco out of retirement, although Rocco’s promos were always a little wooden.

… is glad The B-Team are no longer tag team champions?

B-Team, B-Team, go, go go … away.

All kidding aside, I don’t mind Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas as a lovable loser comedy act, but they were making the “RAW” Tag Team Titles a joke. While The Revival has some talent, they don’t have the “it factor,” so taking them out of the title equation and putting the belts on Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler was a great call.

… thinks WWE creative needs to stop having heels cut “fakeout” promos?

WWE writers absolutely love having heels cut promos in which they start out uncharacteristically sincere or contrite, only to turn on the audience and reveal it was all a ruse. Alexa Bliss has done it multiple times, including on this episode. It’s become a cliche.

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… can’t believe R-Truth was in the main event in 2018?

Hell, I’m still having trouble believing R-Truth is still on the roster in 2018.

… was disappointed that Samoa Joe didn’t make good on his threat to invade the Styles residence?

I thought we were going to get a memorable on-location segment with Joe and AJ Styles, but it was just more talking and brawling between them in the arena. Seems like a missed opportunity.

… was surprised there wasn’t a brawl at the Italian restaurant pitting Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella against The Miz and Maryse?

I thought for sure Miz and Maryse were getting a plate of spaghetti poured over their heads. Another missed opportunity.

… was pleasantly surprised that Rusev and Aiden English won the Triple Threat match over The Usos and SAnitY to move a step closer to getting a tag team title shot?

They will now face Cesaro and Sheamus tomorrow night to determine who challenges “SmackDown” Tag Team Champions New Day at the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view on Sept. 16.

Rusev and English have good chemistry and are entertaining together, so it’s nice to see them get a bit of a push. Unfortunately, even though Rusev and English are back on the same page, I have a feeling the powers that be in WWE are still going to break them up.

… was happy to see Asuka back on TV?

OK, so teaming with Naomi against The IIconics isn’t the greatest spot on the card, but it’s better than wrestling in dark matches or being relegated to “Main Event.”

Looking ahead

Am I the only one who …

… is looking forward to seeing what The Shield’s response will be on “RAW” tonight to members of the heel roster attacking them last week?

I could see there being a thread throughout the show with The Shield systematically taking out their attackers. In other words, it might not be a good night for the likes of Drew Gulak, The Ascension, Jinder Mahal, Mike Kanellis and others.

… is hoping Brie Bella and Maryse don’t attempt anything too crazy in their scheduled match on “SmackDown Live?”

No one is expecting this to be Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks, so just stick to the basics, tell a good story and leave the high risk maneuvers to those who can actually execute them.

Kevin Eck