AEW Dynamite results: Updates, highlights from TNT Championship bracket reveal show

Joe Rivera

AEW Dynamite results: Updates, highlights from TNT Championship bracket reveal show image

There's no joke when it comes to "Dynamite," and tonight's show could change a few things.

While the show featured the debut of Lance Archer, it was more about the build of stories than it was the match quality tonight; Brodie Lee attacked a member of the Dark Order, Chris Jericho cut another promo on Vanguard 1, Nick Jackson is inching towards his in-ring return and more.

MORE: 'NWA Powerrr' shows wrestling and nostalgia can be perfect tag team partners

Sporting News provided live updates and general thoughts for the April 1, 2020 show below.

(All times Eastern).

AEW 'Dynamite' results, April 1

Sammy Guevara and Shawn Spears def. Cody and Darby Allin via pinfall

Post-match thoughts: You know, I like that Allin can be a loose-cannon type at times. His edgy character is good, but him hitting Cody following the match makes for an interesting direction for him and Cody. Cody has been dealing with some tough times — Lance Archer threatens him, he loses to MJF at Revolution and now Darby socks him. 

9:59 p.m. FINISH: Spears rolls up Allin and grabs tights for the win. 

9:58 p.m.: Darby Allin is insane. He climbs the iron pillar and delivers a coffin drop to Spears and Guevara below. Like a 10-12 foot drop.

9:53 p.m.: After commercial, things have settled back down, and Spears and Guevara had the upper hand.

9:47 p.m.: Fun little spot here, as Sammy and Spears place wagers with actual money in the ring, betting over who can hold up the vertical suplex on Darby Allin longer.

9:44 p.m.: Oof. Sammy hits Darby with a massive knee. Brutal. These guys are such natural foils for one another. 

9:38 p.m.: Sammy chasing Brandi is the highlight of every week. Sammy's star is on the rise. Both Cody and Allin hit tandem suicide dives to enter commercial break.

9:32 p.m.: Main event time. Brandi doesn't get Cody's shirt this week, that honor goes to Chuck Taylor.


9:27 p.m.: Segment here with the Young Bucks. Matt is trying to get Nick back in ring shape. It's a little odd, considering Jericho referenced Nick's parenthood in his segment, though he was written off TV as injured. It's good that reality bleeds over into the show, but if they want to toe the line between kayfabe and not, then they should be a little more in line with one another.


9:22 p.m.: A segment with Jericho and Vanguard 1 again. This is just sensational. Please watch this.

The Natural Nightmares def. the Dark Order (8 & 9)

Post-match thoughts: Brodie Lee and the Dark Order have a lot of work to do. There's little doubt that he, Uno and Grayson are solid workers. Lee coming out post-match and destroying one of his minions for losing in such easy fashion adds a lot of dimensions to his character and the dynamic between them. A fan. 

9:14 p.m. FINISH: Another squash on the night, with the Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall) picking up an easy W.

9:12 p.m.: The Dark Order has so much more potential with Brodie Lee as its leader, but the gear they use is still terrible. Not a great look. Looks very 

9:08 p.m.: QT Marshall and his hair tagging with Dustin Rhodes vs. two members of the Dark Order here. 


9:04 p.m.: Another Brodie Lee backstage segment. This is excellent. His gimmick is basically Vince McMahon. It's the one we need right now.

Lance Archer def. Marko Stunt via pinfall

8:59 p.m. FINISH: Yeah, this went about as well as you'd expect. Archer tossed Stunt around for like five minutes and won with the Blackout. Yikes.

8:56 p.m.: Lance Archer comes out to the ring and destroys some rando at ringside before even getting in the ring. I like it.

8:55 p.m.: Oh, God. Marko Stunt is wrestling Lance Archer. Marko Stunt is tiny. Lance Archer is very large. 


8:49 p.m.: Segment ends with the announcement that Hager and Moxley will face off in a No Holds Barred match in two weeks for the AEW Championship. That's something.

8:43 p.m.: Getting a little Moxley content now. Recap of what's happening with he and Hager, and a Moxley video package. Turns out to be a Moxley vs. Hager promo package. Really trying to get Hager over here to make him look like a real threat. 

Hikaru Shida def. Anna Jayy via pinfall

Post-match thoughts: Not much here. Your standard match to continue to build the women's division a bit. Wasn't a total squash, but the outcome was predictable. Shida's program with Baker continues with a little drama during the match.

8:38 p.m. FINISH: Pretty standard match here, and Shida wins with a Michinoku Driver. 

8:36 p.m.: Shida gets in Britt Baker's face, who is sitting ringside. Anna Jayy getting a little offense in in this match, so not a total squash.

8:32 p.m.: After a short Hardy/Jericho recap video and a hype video for Hikaru Shida, we have, what appears will be, a squash match with a debuting Anna Jayy. 

Kenny Omega def. Trent via pinfall

Post-match thoughts: That was an excellent match to open up the show which did a lot for Trent. It's easy to see Best Friends as a wonderful tag team, but to give guys single matches to showcase their abilities 1-on-1 is a great thing to try and do right now.

8:25 p.m. FINISH: Omega follows up almost a very catastrophic botch off the top rope with the One-Winged Angel for a 3-count. An excellent opening bout between the two. They shake hands.

8:21 p.m.: There are five minutes left in this match. This is doing wonders for Trent right now, for those who view him as a tag-team specialist solely.

8:18 p.m.: And Trent just hit a baseball-slide German suplex? What?

8:16 p.m.: Omega just powerbombed Trent into an iron post on the outside. Oof.

8:15 p.m.: Trent working some heel tactics in here now. Omega hits a deadlift German suplex on the outside. Ouch. Hard-hitting match so far.

8:11 p.m.: Kenny is working the back over a lot, with three straight backbreakers to Trent.

8:09 p.m.: Cody is absolute money on commentary.

8:07 p.m.: Both guys working as faces in this match, obviously. The Gunn Club is sitting front-row ringside, along with Kip Sabian, on the opposite side. Trent is accompanied by Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy,

Opening segment

8:00 p.m.: OK, so, tonight's show starts with Cody and his dog Pharaoh at ringside. And also, the second half of the TNT Championship tourney bracket:

8:00 p.m.: We are live, folks. And away we go from Jacksonville. It's deja-vu all over again.

7:55 p.m.: Just five minutes until the show kicks off. I'm curious to see if AEW can keep their empty-arena momentum going. Their last two shows have been excellent, without a doubt.

7:49 p.m.: This is gonna be good. I'd argue that Sammy Guevara, while not quite as over as Darby just yet, has made more of an impact in recent weeks than Allin.

7:40 p.m.: Hello, and welcome to SN's live blog of tonight's AEW "Dynamite." My name is Joe Rivera, and I'll be your party host for the proceedings. You can find me on Twitter @JoeRiveraSN.

Whether you're watching NXT or doing other stuff, you can find segment and match breakdowns here with (what I hope is) fun commentary here. Let's kick it.

Joe Rivera