What are the secrets to home stadium advantage?

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What are the secrets to home stadium advantage? image

Why does playing at home make such a difference in football?

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Answer by Jim GordonRetired soccer ref (3500 assorted matches), ex-ref instructor, ex-coach, Div 3 pro team manager, local and US state association board member, youth player and fan. Taught refs in three countries, reffed in two, got involved with refereeing in a couple more.

The process of travel and staying in unfamiliar surroundings reduces visiting teams' players' physical condition and readiness and their psychological and mental ability and concentration.

Most teams travel on the day before a match. Forcing players to sit still for hours on a bus or plane is destructive of physical conditioning. Even if the team arrives at the match location more than a day in advance, practice and conditioning facilities are different and unfamiliar. Scheduling and the use of time become problems.

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Staying in a hotel, sleeping in an unfamiliar bed, taking unaccustomed food and drink, all distract and detract from the player's ability to rest and prepare to play the game.

As Mikko Karvonen notes, home sides often use stadium facilities to add to the disorientation and impose irritation or frustration on the visiting  team. Locker and changing facilities are supposed to be equivalent, under almost all league rules, but in practice, the visiting team may find awkward spaces, uncomfortably low benches, insufficient seating, lack of hot water, and poor sanitary facilities.

The unfamiliarity issue is important. A player's concentration and decision-making are complicated by the unfamiliar environment. The player's brain spends energy and processing resources on understanding the location, analyzing the location and situation outside the game, in addition to the focus on playing the game.

The effect of playing before another team's home audience adds an element of doubt, a slight edge of fear or uncertainty, that again interferes with the player's mental readiness. The players feel they must guard themselves against insult and attack by even isolated antagonists, and cannot rely on being safe.

At the professional sports level, neutral referees and officials are brought in from a third location, and bias and home-favoritism are not an issue. The crowd may attempt to influence officials' judgments and decisions, but may only succeed in antagonizing the official against the home side. Studies that purport to find that officials are influenced against the visitors are unreliable, because the studies cannot isolate the effects of all the other factors that affect both teams.

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