Think you're cut out for NCAA soccer? Here's how to score a spot in the roster

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Think you're cut out for NCAA soccer? Here's how to score a spot in the roster image

What's the best way to get onto an NCAA collegiate men's soccer team in the US? Originally answered on August 2nd, 2015.

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Answer by David Sterngold, NCAA starter:

I played NCAA college soccer and started all four years. I also helped my coach evaluate young players and recruit them to join our team. I have some thoughts to add. 

By the way, understand that the prerequisite condition for making an NCAA soccer team is being a good soccer player. My advice below won't help much if you aren't. "Good" is subjective, of course, but even mediocre D-III college teams often have rosters filled with experienced players from competitive club and high school teams. If you can't honestly say that you're in the top 1/3 of the players on your club and high school teams, it may be difficult for you to play NCAA college soccer at any level. And that's ok, because your college decision shouldn't really be about athletics anyway, but I digress...

First, do not expect that NCAA college coaches will find you just because you are a good player. Take the initiative by contacting coaches at the schools you're interested in and letting them know if/when you'll be playing near them. A simple email will do. When you make contact, provide contact information for your club coach and high school coach. Usually, the college coach will call your current coaches before deciding whether to go out and see you play. If your coaches put in a good word for you, the college coach is more likely to take the time to attend. 

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The more well-known and respected your club and high school teams/coaches are, the more likely you'll get a college look. For example, if the Director of a large club (e.g. Delco, PDA, Gottschee, any of the elite academy teams) is willing to personally recommend you to a college coach, you're golden. But if you're playing for one of these clubs, you will have access to much better NCAA recruitment information than what anyone can give you on Quora. The strength of your club really does matter, and, if you're interested in playing serious college soccer, you should start playing for the best club team in your area as soon as possible. 

Second, start the recruitment process early. The very latest you should contact college coaches is before the start of your senior year in high school, and most college-bound players will initiate contact a full year before this. The earlier you contact the coach, the more time he/she will have to see you play before having to make a decision about whether or not to offer you a spot. 

Now, you may have heard about players "walking on" to college teams, i.e. showing up for preseason and making the team without ever having been recruited. Do not expect to walk on to your college soccer team. Successfully walking on at the college level is very rare, especially at competitive schools. Of course, there is nothing wrong with trying, as long as you understand that it is extremely likely that you will be cut the first week of preseason. By the time preseason starts, a college coach has already convinced a large number of freshmen players to attend his/her school by all but promising that these players will make the team. For this reason and many others, a college coach will almost always cut a walk-on before a recruited freshman. 

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Finally, be realistic about what level you want to play at, and keep in mind that soccer should just be one factor in your decision about where to attend school. Go online, look through the bios of the players at the colleges you want to play at, and compare them to your own. Over the summer, play pick-up against college players from your area and see if you can go toe-to-toe with them for long periods of time. Run and work out a lot; if you've been in touch with a college coach, ask for the team's off-season fitness manual and stick to it as best you can. 

If you are a good soccer player who has initiated contact early with the coach of an NCAA college program where it is realistic for you to play, and you arrive to pre-season fitter than anyone else, there is a good chance you will become an NCAA college soccer player. Even then, do not simply expect to make the team. College coaches can and do cut recruited players all the time, although they won't tell you this when they're recruiting you. Once you've committed to the school, the coach has no obligation to select you just because he/she made it sound earlier like he/she would. You might get hurt; you might play in an overcrowded position; you might have a bad attitude; you might have a good attitude but the coach might not like you; you might clash with the other players on the team; you might run afoul of the team's leadership; etc. These are all reasons why predicating your entire college decision on playing any sport is a bad idea. That said, playing college soccer was one of the best experiences of my life, and it will be for you too if you make the team. Good luck.

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