Stanley Cup Final 2019: Torrey Krug levels Robert Thomas with ridiculous hit

Drew Nantais

Stanley Cup Final 2019: Torrey Krug levels Robert Thomas with ridiculous hit image

We officially have the first big hit of the Stanley Cup Final, and boy was it an insane one.

Boston's Torrey Krug was being defended by St. Louis' David Perron in the offensive zone during Game 1 and was having some trouble. Perron wouldn't let up and Krug just couldn't lose him. 

Krug finally broke free (losing his helmet in the process) just as the Blues regained possession. He then skated at pace and absolutely levelled Robert Thomas.

Krug left the ice as he initiated the hit and his body nearly went parallel with the ice. Thomas' skates also left the ice and he went down hard. 

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Many were calling for a charging penalty on Krug, but the whistle never came. Twitter had its fair share of reactions to the brutal hit.

Our heads are still ringing just from watching that hit. 

Drew Nantais