SN exclusive: Stars GM Jim Nill talks trade deadline, Alex Radulov, Jason Spezza's struggles

Dave McCarthy

SN exclusive: Stars GM Jim Nill talks trade deadline, Alex Radulov, Jason Spezza's struggles image

The Stars looked to be a team on the rise heading into the 2016-17 season. They were the No. 1 seed in the Western Conference playoffs before bowing out to the Blues in a seven-game semifinal a few months earlier, an impressive accomplishment after having missed the postseason six of the seven years before that. But they took a step back last year, scuffling through the first three months of the season and finishing 15 points out of a playoff spot.

“Injuries had a lot to do with last year. You don’t want to make excuses but it was a tough start right from the start of the year and we were chasing it all year,” Stars general manager Jim Nill told Sporting News in a phone interview Wednesday. “In this league, if you get behind, it’s hard to catch up and we never did last year.”

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Things are back on track, though, as Dallas enters the All-Star break with a some cushion for a playoff spot. The Stars have gone 6-1-1 in their past eight games and have allowed just seven goals in their past five games while scoring 21 goals during that stretch.

Bringing back Ken Hitchcock has made an immediate impact, specifically in implementing defensive structure, an area which required significant attention. The Stars are eighth in goals against this season, a dramatic improvement from finishing 29th, 19th and 26th the past three seasons, respectively.

Sporting News spoke with Nill about the impact of Hitchcock's return, the success of free-agent signing Alexander Radulov, Jason Spezza’s struggles, the Stars' trade deadline plans and more.

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Note: Portions of the interview have been edited for brevity and clarity.

SPORTING NEWS: Last year did not go the way you wanted. Bringing back Ken Hitchcock as head coach, what impact has he had on the team this year?

JIM NILL: Ken’s come in and I think he’s done a great job. Our team is trending in the right direction, I like how we play and we are in every game. I think we’re heading in the right direction but there’s still more room for growth yet which is good.

SN: One of the bigger decisions you made in the offseason was to bring in Alex Radulov. There was some uncertainty based on his past as to whether he would be able to replicate his success with the Canadiens. As a guy who is a little bit older, I think there was some reluctance from teams to go for the length of term he was after. What led you to deciding that it would be worth bringing him in on a long-term deal (five years, $31.25 million)?

JN: It’s no secret that Alex is a very highly skilled player. As a Russian player, he’s come over later in his career after having success earlier in his career, staying in Russia for a while. You can be concerned in a situation like that sometimes, but if you watched him in Montreal last season, he was one of their top players.

I was fortunate to know some players who had played with him and they really put to rest my fears as far as any issues off the ice or in the dressing room. They all spoke very highly of him and raved about him and his personality. The one thing everybody mentioned, and it’s really rubbed off on our team and impressed me the most, is his passion for the game and his passion for life. He loves life, he’s always got a smile on his face and he just wants to play hockey. He really cherishes the moments in games where when the game is on the line. He wants to be on the ice more than ever (in those situations) and that’s something that you love in players, when they want to embrace the situation.

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SN: I spoke with Tyler Seguin back during the summer around the time Radulov’s signing was announced. Tyler’s response was that he was “giddy” to get the chance to play with Alex this year. Have you noticed Alex having an impact on Tyler so far?

JN: I think it’s more than just Tyler; he’s helped our whole team. He’s brought a passion to our dressing room. There’s going to be times in the season where it’s a grind, when you’re on a long road trip or you’ve lost a few in a row. The thing with Alex is he brings that energy every night which gets guys out of funks.

It’s been great for Tyler to see the passion that he’s got and how hard he plays. He’s drawn Tyler and the rest of our team, our work ethic to another level. He’s shown guys, ‘Here’s how hard you have to work’. People sometimes forget how much success Alex has had in Europe. He’s been the captain of world championship teams, he’s been the engine of those teams and he’s brought that over to our team.

SN: You made a long-term bet on John Klingberg in 2015 signing him to a seven-year deal with a cap hit at $4.25 million per season. At the time, he after just one season in the NHL and it seemed like a lot of term, but now it’s one of the best value contracts in the league and you look like a genius for it. What did you see from Klingberg at the time that made you willing to make that long-term bet?

JN: When you go into negotiations, every side has to be a little bit happy with what they got. The term was the turning point for John. Say what you want, it’s a lot of money, it’s a long term with a lot of guaranteed money. We knew John was an elite talent. A little bit of a late bloomer because he played forward for a few years at a younger age and then switched to defense a couple years before his draft year so we knew there was going to be a bit of a development curve there.

From being around John, though, you know he has elite talent. His biggest thing is just managing the game. What makes John so great is he wants to win the game on every shift and now he’s starting to manage that. He’s starting to understand that maybe he won’t be able to win the game until the last minute, but he’ll be able to win it then. He’s managing his game now, which has made him one of the top defenseman in the game.

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SN: Are you happy about where your team sits from a salary cap standpoint right now?

JN: We’re in a good spot with our cap situation. It doesn’t mean that we’re not going to have to make some hard decisions on players. I hope we have success and with success, players are going to get paid more money. That’s the way the business works and the way it should work, so I hope we continue to have success.

I like where we’re at with our cap situation, but that can change quickly, so we have to monitor our contracts tight. We’re going to have to make some tough decisions like we have in the last couple years like Goligoski and Demers, but that’s part of the business. You just try to make the right decisions on the right players.

SN: Jason Spezza was a healthy scratch a couple of weeks ago. His production has diminished over the past two seasons and he's on pace for his lowest point total since breaking into the league in 2002-03. What have you seen from Jason that has held his production back, and do you feel he can trend up again?

JN: Jason is a big part of our team. He’s got the potential to put a lot of points up, he can run a power play and he’s one of the leaders on our team on and off the ice. Jason is going through a little bit of a transition in his career right now.

Every four or five years, there are a little bit of changes in the game and we’re seeing a change in the game now with the speed, which has really increased. When you watch games, there’s eight players in the neutral zone all the time and Jason grew up in an era where he could stickhandle from his own zone, through the neutral zone and into the offensive zone and set things up. You can’t do that as easily anymore, and that’s been the biggest hurdle for Jason, changing that part of his game and that’s what he’s starting to do now. There’s been frustration for him trying to change his game to today’s style, and because of that, maybe you don’t get as many points. That’s going to happen as you get a little bit older as a player, but he’s still a very valuable asset to us and a big part of our team.

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SN: How has he handled the situation from a mental standpoint? When you’re a guy used to seeing your name on the scoresheet a whole lot and then you go through a year where you don’t see it a whole lot, that can really grind on guys?

JN: That’s probably one of his biggest adjustments. This is what I like about where our team is getting to though: You might score 20 less points during the season, but if the team has success, that’s what matters. I’ve seen this going back to my Detroit days with the Yzermans and Shanahans. When you’re an elite player, you want to win and you start to put aside some of your personal desires as far as points. When the team has success, everybody is going to have success and that’s where we want to get to as a team.

SN: I remember an old story where Scotty Bowman went to Steve Yzerman and said you can score 130 points every year and we can miss the playoffs or you can score 75 points and we can win Stanley Cups. What would you like to do?

JN: That’s right. Players want to do both, and when they’re younger, they might be able to. But as you get older, you start to understand that’s not the way the game is. That’s where our team is getting to now where we understand we have to tighten up in certain areas, play the game a different way.

The good thing is we’re getting rewarded with wins and on the flip side, players are understanding we’re still getting lots of good chances. We’re not just playing 1-0 games. When you play the game the right way, you’re still going to get rewarded offensively and we’re starting to figure that out now.

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SN: How are you approaching the trade deadline at this point?

JN: If there’s something out there that makes us better, I’m always open to it, but I like where our team is right now, I’m happy with our depth. Our team in the AHL and our players there are playing very well. I’ve got lots of options for bringing players up.

Right now, I’m happy where we’re at. It’s not like I’m sitting here saying I’ve got to fill a hole or make a big move. We want to be smart. Everybody in the NHL now values draft picks. Picks and player development is a big part of our game now and I’m not going to be throwing away a bunch of picks just to bring in a bunch of players.

SN: Goaltender inference reviews have been a big debate again this week after Auston Matthews had a goal overturned against the Avalanche on Monday. Do you know what goalie interference is these days, or do you feel the review situation needs a bit more clarity brought to it?

JN: It’s not as clear cut as we think. When we sit in the GM meetings and Board of Governors meetings and bring up, say, 20 instances and we’ll have people look at it. It’s amazing how out of 40 people, we’ll have 20 say it is goalie interference and 20 say it isn’t. That’s how close and tight it is. In the end, it’s the referee making that call and that’s what we want. The referee is in charge of the game and this gives the referees one more chance to look at it.

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SN: Does that not speak to the issue, though, in terms of its lack of clarity that when it is brought up among the GM’s, you get such a split on the issue?

JN: That’s sports though. You can sit and watch a game, it’s a fast game and things are going to happen. There’s no 100 percent black and white rule. It’s never going to happen. We’re just trying to get the call right as many times as we can. It’s not a cookie cutter. For all the things that happen in the game, there’s always going to be one or two where we have healthy discussion on it but there’s no black and white.

SN: So overall, you are comfortable with where the process is for goalie interference?

JN: Yeah, I think we’re always trying to tweak it, but you can only go so far. I get back to somebody has to make a call whether it’s the referee or in the last two minutes of the game, hockey operations in Toronto. But somebody has to make a call and it’s not as clear as people think sometimes. They’re doing the best job they can. I think our review system and our game has it as good as any sport there is. We’re not going to sit back and not try to get better. We’re still trying to make it better, but I think we’re doing a good job with it.

Dave McCarthy