There's power in NFL players' raised fists

David Steele

There's power in NFL players' raised fists image

Tommie Smith noticed the three Eagles players raising their fists during the national anthem before Monday night’s game in Chicago and he instantly knew why their stance was similar to Colin Kaepernick’s — and why it was different.

“It struck me very deeply. These young black players, I know they’re not old enough to remember 1968,’’ said Smith, who joined fellow medalist John Carlos in raising gloved fists on the podium during the national anthem at the Olympics in Mexico City that year.

“When I see these young men raise their fists, I see that as a power source, as a need to move forward, to get involved, to say, ‘Here I am,’” Smith told Sporting News Tuesday. “That raised fist means black power. It’s a bit more technical in dealing with the atrocities in our system. 

“It’s not as much about taking a seat to make a statement. It’s standing up, raising yourself up, rising to your feet. It’s as powerful, or more powerful, in dealing with the inequalities in the system.’’

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Smith, now 72, and Carlos are largely credited with bringing the symbol of the then-growing, more direct black power movement of the late 1960s into the sports world, and onto an international stage. Between Kaepernick and his fellow players who have gestured one way or another before games this season, Smith said, they are doing the same today on the massive stage of the NFL.

Kaepernick is a spiritual descendant of Smith and Carlos in another way: he is being advised on the 49ers by Dr. Harry Edwards, who organized the Olympic Project for Human Rights while a professor at San Jose State, when Smith and Carlos were students and track stars.

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But, Smith said, there are subtle differences between the choice of Kaepernick and others to sit or kneel, and of players like Eagles Malcolm Jenkins, Steven Means and Ron Brooks to hold up their fists. Players on the Chiefs, Patriots, Rams and Titans have also raised fists during the anthem so far.

“Both go back in time — kneeling often represents prayer or reflection, and sitting does the same,’’ Smith said. “We lowered our heads on the stand. But we were standing. I think standing with the fist raised means just that, standing up for all, standing up for your right.

“Both express our rights, our human and our civil rights. When they raise their fists, that’s a civil action, and sitting or kneeling, that’s human, that’s what all can relate to, what we all recognize and connect to.’’

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Back in 1968, after the victory-stand protest, Smith explained to Howard Cosell on ABC television: “My raised right hand stood for the power in black America. Carlos’ left hand stood for the unity of black America. Together, they formed an arch of unity and power.’’

In his 2007 autobiography, “Silent Gesture,” Smith wrote: “I never said a word as the national anthem was playing. My silent gesture was designed to speak volumes.’’

Smith finds the direct involvement of young people, not just athletes, encouraging. “The older folks talk about what to do; the younger folks are taking action,’’ he said.

Just as important, he added, Kaepernick and others are aware of the stakes and the consequences, as he was when he feared that someone might try to kill him before his and Carlos’s anthem protest was even over.

“It’s sacrifice,’’ Smith said. “Raise your fist with an NFL uniform on? They’re going to pay a price.’’

David Steele