Not even Miss Universe and a former porn star could save Super Bowl Opening Night

Troy Machir

Not even Miss Universe and a former porn star could save Super Bowl Opening Night image

SAN JOSE, Calif. — I was told Super Bowl Opening Night was going to be wild. I was told it was going to be wacky. They said it would be "sensory overload." 

There was a former adult film star-turned fantasy football expert standing next to the reigning Miss Universe. As they chatted, a man dressed like The Swedish Chef from "The Muppets" ran by. 

MORE: Super Bowl Opening Night photos | Take the Cam Newton quiz

That paints a picture of debauchery. One of unexpected twists and turns. But as it turns out, Super Bowl Opening Night was not very wild or wacky, at least not for the media. 

But for the Panthers and Broncos players, it certainly was. After all, the two biggest stars of the show were not Peyton Manning and Cam Newton. They were 2015 Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach from the Philippines and former porn star turned Sirius/XM Fantasy Football expert Lisa Ann.

Finding players in a sea of reporters, staffers and media-types dressed up like superheroes and leprechauns is typically not an easy task, despite the obvious size discrepancy. But when a former porn star and a pageant queen are in attendance AND hanging out together, there is no spreading out. There is no hiding. Even some of the more shy players, like Panthers defensive end Ryan DeLaire or Broncos safety Josh Bush, would gradually inch toward the two women as their teammates broke the ice. 

It was a scene straight out of a middle school dance. Except instead of prepubescent boys, there were hordes of the most athletically gifted athletes on the planet, both equally as terrified of engaging in communication with the opposite sex.

There were whispers. "Yo. I know I've seen that girl in the glasses before. Right?" The answer was simple, said a Panthers player, looking at his teammate like he was the only one who didn't get the punch line. "Yeah. ... You probably have."

"Check it out. It's Miss Universe," One burly lineman said to another. "Yeah, but there's my girl in the glasses," his teammate responded, while pointing to Lisa Ann ever so slightly.

"You gonna go talk to her?" 

"Nah. I ain't about that life." 

As I watched, the most awkward and painful visions of rudimentary flirtation flashed before me.

This can't be it? Can it?

"Is that the girl who won or lost?," quipped an amused Broncos player, referring to Steve Harvey's legendary announcement mishap. "Well, she's fly nonetheless."

Chuckling. Playfully pushing their teammates into the center of the circle to talk to the women. It was all there. Just like a middle school dance. 

Heck, there was even dancing.

When the tension was finally broken and pictures and Snapchats were taken, one group would move on while another group of equally as anxious players would move in, and the cycle would start anew.

MORE: Opening Night more like Hunger Games

It was fascinating for sure, but also awkward, and — well — weird. Swarms of NFL players ogling over attractive women. That's what Super Bowl Opening Night had to offer. 

Sure, there were the cartoon characters, there were superheroes. But there always are.

The allure of bizarre interviewers wore off years ago, when zany costumes and setups stopped being weird for the sake of weird, but weird because that's what is expected out of media day.

There was no wild and wacky at Super Bowl Opening Night.

Just moments of awkwardness.

Troy Machir