How effective would sumo wrestlers be as NFL linemen?


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How effective would sumo wrestlers be as NFL linemen? originally appeared on Quora: The best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and get insider knowledge. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

Answer by John DeMarchi

Fascinating question — and a good one.

Only 42 sumos on the globe can compete at makuuchi level — sumo's top level.  The rest of sumo works sort of like baseball, with a minor league system featuring six tiers and a total of about 630 wrestlers.

So to be a sumo "pro," you can't be a slug.  You have to be a huge, powerful, explosive, low-center-of-gravity athlete, with exceptional balance and short-area quickness, and rare toughness.  Every one of those skills/attributes is a positive for an NFL offensive or defensive lineman.  It's also why some college heavyweight wrestlers succeed as NFL lineman —- the skill set translates.

Let's take the top 42 sumos (makuuchi).  Could any of them make it as an NFL lineman?

Could a sumo make it as an NFL Defensive End? No chance — they would lack the top end speed to succeed.  Though a sumo could absolutely sink butt, stack the point and anchor against the run, I'd have to question whether any sumo would have the speed and lateral mobility necessary to burst upfield, dip his shoulder and redirect to a quarterback as a DE needs to do 30-40 times a game.  I'd question whether a sumo could consistently counter and string moves together in open space at NFL speed.  Endurance is also a huge problem for the sumo; a typical DE needs to play 60-70 downs per game.  I doubt a 400-500 pound sumo could handle that workload. A sumo is NOT going to be J.J. Watt, who plays three-technique DE (between offensive guard and tackle, or five-technique DE (outside offensive tackle's outside shoulder) like say, Mario Williams. Can't see it.

But at defensive tackle, especially nose tackle, my answer is... maybe.  The job of a nose tackle is to tie up two offensive blockers (usually the guard and center); the ability to be an immovable object who occupies space sounds a lot like... key attributes of a sumo.  One can debate whether a sumo would have the upper body strength necessary to play nose tackle — I'm not sure sumos bench press 450+ pounds — but for quickness, size and lower body power, it's possible a sumo could play the nose.  Plus, most nose tackles are two-down players, who come off the field in obvious passing situations.  That means, the sumo would need to survive 30-40 snaps a game.  That could be do-able.  

As a 4-3 defensive tackle, I'd say no, since one-gappers in that scheme need much more speed and mobility than sumos have.  

In other words, with top strength training, could a sumo be Ted Washington, Kris Jenkins or Paul Soloai type player?  Maybe. But a penetrating 4-3 tackle like a Warren Sapp or Kyle Williams?  No way.

On offense, I can't see a sumo offensive tackle — definitely not a blindside left tackle, but not even a right tackle, either.  There is way to much space to cover for an NFL tackle against speedy pass rushing DEs and OLBs, and the sumo simply lacks the top end speed and frankly, height in many cases (the average NFL offensive tackle is 6-5), to succeed.

Put it this way — if DeMarcus Ware comes off the corner, can a sumo block him?  If JPP bursts upfield then counters back inside, can a sumo jam him?  I cannot see that happening.

But at offensive guard or center, again, girth, power in space, and lower body explosion would be huge attributes.  No, I can't see a 400 pound sumo pulling guard; yes, I could see a 400 pound sumo drive-blocking guard.  Again, he would need top-strength training, but essentially, a sumo COULD be a bigger (Niners OG) Mike Iupati-type player — a mauler.  The key issue isn't so much run blocking on the first level (vs. defensive line); it's whether the sumo could get to the second level and block linebackers in the run game, and whether the sumo has the mobility and quickness to handle speed rushers in the passing game.  Again, the other issue is that an offensive lineman typically plays 95-100% of the offensive snaps.  Could a sumo survive that, from a pure endurance standpoint?  Questionable — since that's not what a sumo trains for, typically.

For example, Nate Newton — a multiple Pro Bowler for Dallas at OG — had a sumo type physique.  But he also had rare feet and the ability to locate and crush people in space.  I can't see a Larry Allen-type sumo — none of them would be that fluid in space — but could a sumo's understanding of balance and leverage enable him to succeed at NFL guard or center?  Maybe.  Mike Williams of the Redskins is a 355-365 pound guard, so it isn't unprecedented.

The three biggest lies in the NFL are height, weight and speed.  But it is RARE for players 375+ pounds to be drafted and productive in the NFL. The heaviest player drafted in NFL history was Buffalo 7th rounder Leslie Michael Jasper, 394 pounds, [in 2010] — he is now in Arena football.  OG Jamie Nails was drafted at 387 pounds by the Bills [...], and he played decent ball for Buffalo and Miami — but only after slimming down to 355.  OT Aaron Gibson went around 380 when the Lions drafted him in the 1990s, but he ate his way out of the league.  OT Mike Williams of the Bills was in the 365-375 pound range — he bombed as a tackle, and played guard at 36, eventually.  OT Leonard Davis tipped the scales at around 370 on draft day — he also had to move inside to guard to make it in the NFL.

Most NFL plays take 3-4 seconds.  I have no doubt a sumo could gain leverage, and maybe even win the initial 1-2 seconds on a confrontation; the challenge is, could he sustain, and deal with counter-move (especially lateral one) and the speed on the NFL game after his initial strike? Unclear.

On defense, the big men always play inside; occasionally, a guy like Ted ("Mount") Washington plays really well at a listed weight of 335, and actual weight of around 400 pounds, but it is not common.  Fridge Perry was listed at 360 — he also played in the 375-400 range for a lot of his career.  But typically, DTs are in the 390-335 pound range, and nose tackle go 320-360 or so.  

Here is where I DO think a sumo could make it — as a situational (max 15-20 downs a game) two-gap, nose tackle who could not be moved in the run game.  Granted, the sumo is not going to have any pass rush skills, save maybe a bull rush.  But because of the sumo's understanding of leverage, his mass, his balance and his explosive lower body power, he would be a load to move inside for any offensive lineman (assuming again, the sumo committed to an upper-body weight regimen training typical for the NFL).
Five more points.  

1) Don't underrate the sumo's ability to use his hands — especially to hold — which, though illegal, is vitally important to offensive line success.  
For those unfamiliar with sumo moves, here is a list of 60 moves sumos have used to end matches since 2000, about 12 of which are the key sumo moves — Hand punch is a big deal in sumo — just as it is in the NFL.

2) Don't underrate the sumo's ability to train, and the rigorous discipline and drive it takes to succeed at the elite sumo level.  A pro sumo would likely be VERY coachable, and could probably pick up NFL blocking or run-stuffing techniques pretty quickly.  You give a makuuchi to say, Dallas OL coach Hudson Houck for 1-2 years, and I would not bet against that guy being at least a useful situation player.  Sumos pick up technique astonishingly well.

3) Don't underrate the sumo's balance. Consider that to win a sumo grappling match, a wrestler must force his opponent to step out of the ring, OR force his opponent to touch the ground with any part of his body other than the bottom of his feet.  Sumos are exceptional athletes at leverage; that is a crucial skill for NFL intterior lineman.

4) Don't underrate the sumo's toughness.  These are 400-500 pound men who pummel and slam into each other at speed WITHOUT PADDING OR EQUIPMENT. That toughness translates exceptionally well to NFL positional requirements.  Rugby players have made it in the NFL (albeit primarily as kickers so far).  Why not sumos?

5) Sumos are atheltes — they are not just big, fat guys.  These athletes have great quickness, especially on initial strikes and blows; that also translates well to the type of interior line contact they would see in the NFL.

Overall, I don't think a 400+ pound sumo could make it in the NFL as an every-down player.  But as a situational player (goal line; short yardage; etc.), I could absolutely see it.  Anyone who remembers 360+ pound William "Refrigerator" Perry scoring in Super Bowl XX will know what I am saying.

Could a 350-400 pound sumo make it as a full-time guard, or nose tackle?  Would love to see one of the makuuchi try it.
