Richard Sherman spares ESPN's Ed Werder in his war with the media

Ron Clements

Richard Sherman spares ESPN's Ed Werder in his war with the media image

Richard Sherman's spat with Seattle media continues as the Seahawks cornerback declined interview requests this week.

Sherman told local reporters he will only speak with ESPN's Ed Werder while offering opinions on social media.

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Werder facetiously tweeted "all players should embrace this philosophy."

MORE: Interviewing Richard Sherman is a 'privilege'

Sherman's boycott of local media comes two weeks after an incident with a Seattle radio host, ending with Sherman threatening to ruin the reporter's career by having him banned from future Seahawks games. Sherman later recanted, saying coach Pete Carroll told him he doesn't have the authority to revoke media credentials. 

Sherman said Wednesday he wasn't speaking to anyone who "ticked" him off, which apparently includes every media outlet in the Sea-Tac area.

Ron Clements