Cowboys' Rolando McClain should be out of chances, even with enabler Jerry Jones

David Steele

Cowboys' Rolando McClain should be out of chances, even with enabler Jerry Jones image

Rolando McClain and Johnny Manziel are connected by more than the date they were both suspended by the NFL for parts of the 2016 season — and by more than the rapidly shrinking chance that they’ll ever play again. Signings like McClain's are the reason so many people were so sure, even willing to claim half-jokingly right now, that Manziel was going to end up with the Cowboys.

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This is what Jerry Jones does. It’s how he operates. 

It’s documented. He doesn’t really deny the overall idea, just the individual applications. Manziel never really was close to becoming a Cowboy … but Jones gave McClain a third chance. 

This, after the Raiders dropped him in midseason of Year 3 of his career, and after the Ravens gave up before he ever made it to training camp, and after he had been out of the league for a year. The Cowboys traded an actual asset for him, and won the division with him filling a major void (from Sean Lee’s 2014 knee injury) surprisingly well. 

Now, a day shy of the two-year anniversary of them getting him, they’re losing him for 10 games next year. 

That follows the four games he was suspended to start last season. In all, so far, they’ve gotten 24 games out of him, and he won’t add to that before Thanksgiving, and logically, he won’t add to it that day, either.

But honestly, who’s willing to bet that he’ll even be there to reinstated by then?

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The Cowboys tried with another redemption project, and they failed. It happens a lot there: Jerry Jones rolls the dice, publicly stakes his rep on a troubled but talented player, hopes he turns into Michael Irvin, and instead sees him turn into … well, Rolando McClain.

And then he moves on. Greg Hardy’s name hasn’t been heard around anyone in the NFL in a while. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

This hurts the Cowboys, and badly bruises whatever projections of a quick return to contention observers had.

It would seem to incinerate McClain’s career. 

How could be reasonably sell some team on taking a fourth chance on him? How could a team sell anyone on adding him? He turns 27 in two weeks. That’s not old. But the fact that he will now fail to play a full, healthy, un-punished season for the fifth straight year doesn’t help him.

After a while, talented or not, trust runs out.

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McClain can ask Manziel about that. Although, to be fair, the trust in him had run out long before his Thursday suspension, and it isn’t coming back any time soon.

Unless, of course, Jerry Jones finds a way to trust him someday. Don’t even look shocked. He trusted McClain.

David Steele