Roger Goodell: Donald Trump's comments about women 'makes my job harder at home'

Steven J. Gaither

Roger Goodell: Donald Trump's comments about women 'makes my job harder at home' image

Donald Trump’s surprising victory in the presidential election Tuesday is even sending shockwaves through the NFL.

Part of the reason has been the president-elect's history of insensitivity toward women — including gratuitous sexual assault remarks captured in an “Access Hollywood” video. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has said those comments make his job as a father of two daughters more difficult.

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“Listen, it makes my job harder at home, too,” Goodell said Thursday during a forum in New York City, via The Washington Post. “I have twin daughters and a wife and so I have to explain that to them. So yes, on that front. Does it make it harder publicly?”

Despite whatever difficulty Goodell may have had at home with his family, it sounds like he's hopeful the country will unite behind Trump.

“Listen, I think our country has to have more respect for one another and we have to unite," Goodell said. "I saw some very positive signs of that yesterday with our current president, Hillary Clinton’s comments publicly and others coming together and saying, ‘We have to get together, we have to unite, we have to address some of the issues and work together.’ President Trump is our president so let’s get behind him.”


Steven J. Gaither