Goodell sells moving on from Deflategate at Super Bowl, but who's buying it?

David Steele

Goodell sells moving on from Deflategate at Super Bowl, but who's buying it? image

Roger Goodell’s answer to the first Deflategate question Wednesday was, in part, “We’re moving on from that.’’

Nice try, commissioner.

Goodell’s annual state-of-the-NFL press conference wasn’t eaten alive by the scandal that finally brought the Patriots and Goodell together at the Super Bowl. But it devoured a good portion of it — and time clearly hasn’t lightened the tension at all.

Credit Goodell for doing little to alleviate it, partly by trying to “move on” from it, partly by double-talking his way around it. Unsuccessfully, as it turned out, starting with the very first question, the third of the roughly 43-minute press conference, where he was slightly disingenuous about how the court case was resolved (it hinged more on the commissioner's power than on whether the Patriots were or were not guilty).

MORE: Roger Goodell tackles several big issues in latest news conference

Discussing when he has and will again attend a Patriots game only made things worse.

“If I’m invited to Foxborough, I’ll come," Goodell said, as if the most powerful man in the sport needed permission to attend a game. That was pointed out to him a few minutes later, and he said, “I have no doubt” that owner Robert Kraft would invite him despite the acrimony of the last two years, adding, “That’s up to him, though."

He also said he was at Patriots’ playoff games just two years ago, on back-to-back weekends, just as he had done in Atlanta while being accused of avoiding Foxborough. Left out, of course, was that the 2014 playoffs took place before Deflategate — that the AFC title game, in fact, was ground zero for the entire case.

Goodell’s most direct, and seemingly less deflective, moment came after a question even later about his relationship with Kraft — who made a very noticeable entrance to the room and sat in the front row for the press conference. Two years earlier, at the Super Bowl in Arizona, Kraft had held the most contentious press conference of his career, daring the league to prove its case and demanding an apology if it couldn’t.

Of how he and Kraft get along now, in the season in which Tom Brady finally dropped the case one level shy of the Supreme Court and served his suspension, Goodell said:

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“Listen, we have a disagreement about what occurred. We have been very transparent about what we think the violation was. We went through a lengthy process, we disagree about that. But I continue to respect and admire Robert, Jonathan (Kraft, the team president), the entire organization. They are an extraordinary organization, they're extraordinary people in my view.

“But that doesn't change that we have to compartmentalize things that we disagree on … I’m not afraid of disagreement, and I don't think disagreement leads to distrust or hatred. It’s a disagreement — you take your disagreement, you find a common place, and you move forward. It’s not at all of a personal nature, which I know people like to make it. But for us, it’s about making sure we do what’s right for the league in the long term.’’

Still, Goodell didn’t get to just address the conflict between league and team, or commissioner and owner. How it all reflects on the public’s faith in the league and in him was brought up.

“The thing you always have to do, every day, is earn that trust, earn that credibility,’’ he said, “and it’s how you act and how you do things — being transparent, making sure people understand the decisions you make.’’

Those are the exact issues the public increasingly had as this issue, and numerous others on and off the field, have dragged on in recent years. In this same press conference, for example, he was asked about the viability of the much-maligned, yet still ratings-strong, Thursday Night Football package. 

"We’ve seen high-quality football on Thursday nights,’’ he said. It was a surprise that the sighs of disgust from the audience watching around the country weren’t picked up by the microphone in the press conference.

Goodell did acknowledge that fans — particularly Patriots fans whose hostility have formed the biggest reason his appearance in Gillette Stadium might not be wise — are acting as expected when an investigation goes the way Deflategate did.

MORE: Robert Kraft just wants to move on from Deflategate

“From our standpoint, we understand where fans who are loyal and passionate about their team object and don't like the outcome. I totally understand that, that’s not an issue for me,’’ he said.

It’s hard to envision them liking the outcome of his latest answers to this latest round of questions. 

If the Patriots’ owner has reconciled everything with the commissioner and moved on — enough to offer a seemingly gratuitous invitation to return — he might still be the only one.

David Steele