Time for Manning to walk away with what's left of his rep

David Steele

Time for Manning to walk away with what's left of his rep image

Peyton Manning had better get out while the getting is good.

It’s not so much that he’s overstayed his welcome as a player — he has, and he shouldn’t fool himself on that — but that his pristine, commercial-ready reputation is living on borrowed time. 

MORE: QBs who hung on too long | Manning's 10 crowning moments

Saturday's New York Daily News story detailing his alleged sexual assault on a trainer while in college, and his and his family’s successful attempts to destroy her career, pushed his expiration date forward once again.

He’s all out of reasons not to retire from the NFL — and, better yet for him, to lay low for a long, long time, away from the spotlight he craves, the spotlight the public, the game and his endorsement partners are so eager to give him.

Manning got through his fourth Super Bowl trip barely having to address the ugly, obscene episode, no matter how much it was known at least casually to football followers. 

He also managed to dodge the bullets that should have come from both the HGH allegations from late December, and the report in the Washington Post during Super Bowl week itself that a couple of his associates intimidated the accuser in that story.

He even came out relatively clean from a shameless post-game shilling for the beer for which he owns a distributorship. Those repeated eye-rolling scenes of him gushing about Bud, and the one where he hugged his pizza-business partner as hard as he did his Broncos teammates, quickly got eclipsed by Cam Newton’s surly press conference.

Newton, and dozens of other NFL players over the years, wish they’d gotten the benefit of the doubt on their slip-ups and indiscretions the way Manning has. It’s been some two decades of a virtual free pass, dating back to college and the site of that incident. It would take a doctoral dissertation to explain why, but that's what he had. 

But Manning is headed down the same road as Lance Armstrong, similarly protected against accusers eventually proven true. Like Lance, even retirement might not let him avoid the coming backlash.

MORE: Here are nine things Manning might do next

Manning needs to take his winnings off the table while he still has them, and while he’s still got people willing to defend him and his reputation. 

There still are plenty of those, and as with the HGH report, they were out in force attacking the messenger instead of the message. But more people every day are falling off the fence.

He would be smart not to convince himself that his arm has another good year left in it — or that his reputation is still bullet-proof.

David Steele