NFL's Roger Goodell downplays idea of draft lottery to discourage tanking

Drew Nantais

NFL's Roger Goodell downplays idea of draft lottery to discourage tanking image

With the trend of NFL teams tanking, specifically the Dolphins and Browns in recent years, many have suggested the league implement a draft lottery in order to discourage teams from intentionally throwing seasons away. 

Comissioner Roger Goodell was asked about this idea at the NFL fall meetings in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Wednesday and downplayed it.

"... For us, the competitiveness of our game is obviously critical," Goodell said (via ESPN). "I don't think that is solved with a (draft) lottery, I think that is solved by all the issues we try to deal with on a regular basis through the competition committee and the league in trying to make sure our league is competitive."

Goodell also said he feels the league is as competitive as ever.

"I don't think the league has ever been more competitive than it is today," he said. "You see that in teams going from last to first in dramatic fashion. I think that's unique to the National Football League."

Six weeks into the season, five teams have one or fewer wins so far: the Dolphins (0-5), Bengals (0-6), Falcons (1-5), Jets (1-4) and Redskins (1-5). Miami especially has taken heat from media and fans for trading away valuable assests in exchange for long-term capital in the form of draft picks. The team has also adopted a frugal mindset in free agency, opting instead to build and develop talent through the draft.

The 2020 NFL Draft will take place from April 23–25 in Las Vegas.

Drew Nantais