NFL medical consultant says bikes, skateboards more dangerous than football

Chris Littmann

NFL medical consultant says bikes, skateboards more dangerous than football image

Chris Borland's retirement brought a fine point to the rash of "early" NFL retirements this offseason. It's been a constant topic of discussion since Monday's announcement and a lot of that conversation has taken place on NFL Network.

But a particularly curious exchange took place on "Total Access" between Dan Hellie and Dr. Joseph Maroon. Maroon is a board-certified clinical professor of neurological surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, serves as the Steelers' team neurosurgeon and also is a consultant to the NFL's head, neck and spine committee. He said a lot of things over a four-minute interview.

MORE: Borland's former coach offers him a job | Surprising NFL retirements

Most stunning was this revelation: "There are more injuries to kids from falling off bikes, scooters, falling in playgrounds than there are in youth football. It’s never been safer. Can we improve? Yes, we have to do better all the time to make it safer, but I think if a kid is physically able to do it and wants to do it, our job is to continue to make it safer. But it’s much more dangerous riding a bike or a skateboard than playing youth football."

Don't believe he said that last part? Listen.

This would be a fair comparison if the person on a skateboard or bike fell on their head 40 times every time they went out to play. (If that's the case, we'd also advise against skateboarding or riding a bike.) While he doesn't mention concussions from skateboarding and riding bikes in the NFL Network interview, Maroon specifically references them in a USA Football interview. But in his recent research, there is no mention of any such comparison. In fact, the abstract ends with this note: "We conclude that the incidence of CTE remains unknown due to the lack of large, longitudinal studies. Furthermore, the neuropathological and clinical findings related to CTE overlap with many common neurodegenerative diseases. Our review reveals significant limitations of the current CTE case reporting and questions the widespread existence of CTE in contact sports."

We are in a bit of a "evidence of absence isn't the absence of evidence" situation with that last statement.

His comparison between riding a bike and playing youth football was the exclamation point on an interview that felt a bit like a "CALM DOWN EVERYTHING IS OK!" kind of speech. Not that unlike what's going on in the food industry with the likes of Coca-Cola or Kraft, it seems like someone with a completely credible degree was brought in to do things that were, shall we say, questionable.

He also repeated a line you've probably heard a lot lately. "I really believe that it’s never been safer before in terms of the sport." It's a phrase repeated so often that it merits a "Daily Show" supercut at this point.

During the interview, Maroon references a recent study on CTE. You can read the whole thing here. Maroon's stance that there isn't a CTE epidemic isn't new. He's written as much in the Washington Times. Frontline also interviewed Maroon at length as part of "League of Denial." He's also one of the founders of the imPACT Test, which is used to manage athlete concussions.

Hear the entirety of Maroon's interview on "Total Access" below.

Chris Littmann