Good for the NFL to let players protest — now, let them twerk, too

David Steele

Good for the NFL to let players protest — now, let them twerk, too image

There are few things the NFL does better than picking unnecessary fights with its players. So, behold, the assault on the twerks, bow-and-arrow, and everything else the league arbitrarily and subjectively defines as a taunt and an excessive celebration.

But while we behold the latest example of the NFL’s habitual line-stepping, behold this: On the single biggest player issue of the 2016 season — the one some people swear is driving fans away from the game — the NFL has backed off and given the players their space.

MORE: National anthem protests around sports

The NFL’s official stance on player protests during the national anthem is the same in Week 5 as it was in preseason Week 3, when Colin Kaepernick lit the original fuse. They’re still encouraged, but not required, to stand.

That’s bold. That’s smart. That goes against nearly everything the NFL has done in its badly fractured relationship with its players. 

And it’s to be commended. 

No amount of public pressure, condemnation, scolding or prospects of declining ratings has changed it. Players have made their points clear, for and against. So have coaches, owners, organizations, broadcasters, former broadcasters, and swimsuit models.

The league that punishes players for messages on their eyeblack, for pumping their pelvises (pelvii?), for imitating either Robin Hood or Usain Bolt, has known where to draw the line on a social stance that has galvanized and polarized America as much as any in the past 50 years.

More importantly, the league has figured out that it needs to avoid any temptation to cross the line and impose its beliefs on players from the perch of authority it has planted itself on so many times before.

And, it must be noted, the league has done the same with teams. The 49ers and owner Jed York have been free to back Kaepernick in every way possible. Other franchises have been free to declare that “our players” don’t do that. Still others (the Seahawks and Chiefs linking arms, the Saints and Falcons forming an on-field circle) are free to concoct ways to address both the anthem and the stances against racism and police brutality Kaepernick put at the heart of his protest. 

MORE: Player protests aren't the problem for the NFL; a poor product is

The NFL, the very definition of the establishment, keeps its distance, gives them all their leeway, and has no hand in the rewards or the repercussions. If they are showing their hand one way or another, it’s way behind the scenes and away from public view.

The league that lives to be petty, that thinks up new rules to trip players up, that engaged in a power struggle (the dearly departed Deflategate) that threatened to end up in the Supreme Court, pumped the brakes at just the right time. 

It would be a great philosophy to bring to all their other interactions with the players. Especially right now, with the aforementioned sinking ratings. All sorts of explanations have been offered. The intense efforts to legislate fun, personality and emotion out of the games can’t be dismissed. 

Even fans and commentators whose default setting is to gripe about selfish, me-first, attention-starved diva players, are getting tired of all the flags and fines. They see the hypocrisy of, say, Antonio Brown’s Pepsi campaign centered on his dancing and his being punished for the same thing in games. Or of the league posting creative celebrations on their numerous platforms, seconds after that same celebration cost a team 15 yards.

The consensus: Back off and let these guys live.

The irony: When it comes to players standing (or sitting or kneeling) for something bigger than themselves in the face of powerful backlash, backing off and letting them live is exactly what the NFL is doing.

David Steele