Michael Thomas: 'Important' NFL says the names Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, Kenny Stills

Liam Blackburn

Michael Thomas: 'Important' NFL says the names Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, Kenny Stills image

After the NFL admitted it was wrong on protests during the national anthem, the league must now directly address Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid and Kenny Stills, according to Texans safety Michael Thomas.

As a member of the Dolphins, Thomas was among those who took a knee in 2016 during the national anthem at NFL games, a movement started by Kaepernick to protest police brutality and racial injustice. Those issues have been brought up again following the death of George Floyd, and last week several high-profile NFL players were involved in a video that asked the league to condemn racism and admit it was wrong for "silencing our players from peacefully protesting."

MORE: 49ers reminded of Colin Kaepernick in team's social posts

Commissioner Roger Goodell responded by conceding the league was "wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier," which was seen as a significant step given how Kaepernick, who has been out of the league since 2017, was treated at the time and in the following years.

MORE: Team considering Kaepernick explains why they backed out

However, Thomas says the NFL can do more and he wants the league to recognize Kaepernick, Reid and Stills directly.

"It is definitely a step in the right direction," Thomas told NBC Sports' Peter King. "However, I personally believe that people are going to call for the league to address what happened to the players who originally protested police brutality and systemic racism and oppression. They will ask that the league not only admit they were wrong for suppressing the voices of the players protesting, but also say their names, just like it's important to say the names of the countless black people who have been murdered due to police brutality so they don't die in vain. It's important that the league says the names Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, Kenny Stills. It will allow the players to fully believe them and we could then all move forward together."

Liam Blackburn