Marcus Vick perfectly sums up Michael's bad game with Emojis

Chris Littmann

Marcus Vick perfectly sums up Michael's bad game with Emojis image

When basically anything happens with Michael Vick, it's become a wait-and-watch game for some to see what brother Marcus Vick will say on Twitter.

He's never shy about his opinions. He's publicly begged for a trade. He's bashed the Jets. It's a one-stop shop if hilarious dysfunction. When asked about how Michael Vick looked for the Jets in an 38-3 loss to the Bills, he offered this brief but succinct summary.

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Vick was 7-of-19 for 76 yards and an interception. It's unclear who will lineup at QB next week, but if things keep up this way, Marcus Vick's Twitter account might be the best thing left for Jets fans this season.

Chris Littmann