Is Josh Gordon a dope, or the victim of a dopey policy?

David Steele

Is Josh Gordon a dope, or the victim of a dopey policy? image

How can anybody feel sorry for Josh Gordon?

Like this: He may be the victim of the flimsiest reasons for a suspension this long in the history of any sport, much less the NFL.

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“May” be. The widely held notion that Josh Gordon is too weak-minded to stay away from marijuana and thus cost himself this latest chunk of his NFL career, is pretty alluring. The idea that he must not really want to be a professional player since he can’t do the one thing the NFL is telling him to do to be one, isn’t unconvincing.

But … this is what gets you banned, over and over again? Using marijuana? Yes, also trying to rig a test that could get you reinstated if you pass it; according to Fox Sports, that’s what he did , and that’s what triggered the later report (since confirmed) that the NFL was rejecting his reinstatement. 

Yet think about it: that actually indicates he does want to play that bad. 

The NFL, on the other hand, wants him to stop smoking that bad.

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And the next time it gives a good reason for that, here in 2016, will be the first. In this climate and with what we know and with what is becoming less and less of a societal stigma and more of a medical and physical reality … why are we doing this?

Not so much to Gordon, but to anybody. But this is what’s happening to Gordon. If he manages to get back into the league halfway through the 2016 season, he will have been suspended for as many games as he's played in his career, 35.

The world eventually found out that Ricky Williams wasn’t nearly the menace to society, the league, any team or himself as it had seemed when he kept flunking drug tests. He wanted to play, too, and he played long enough as a running back to compile 10,000 yards, which should shut up anybody who questions his desire.

So equating one with the other isn’t as cut-and-dried as many would claim.

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Now, if Gordon’s other major transgression from last year — a DUI arrest and, possibly, a serious alcohol problem — is a factor in this decision, then all sympathy goes bye-bye. Especially about a DUI, which endangers lives other than his own. 

It’s why we all hope for the best for Aldon Smith but aren’t losing sleep over him taking a seat. It’s why no one should ever be allowed to forget about Josh Brent and Jerry Brown, or about Jim Irsay, or about the two Broncos officials back in 2013. It’s why Justin Blackmon shouldn’t be allowed within a few thousand miles of the league.

The NFL can and should be as strict on that as it wants to be.

(It’s also worth mentioning that Gordon’s career is in limbo while his former Browns teammate, one Johnny Manziel of the investigated-for-domestic-violence Manziels, can be signed by anybody today.)

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But the cases continue to be made that being so stubborn about weed is growing pointless and counterproductive. There are too many to repeat, from former and current players who struggle to see how this crutch they use to alleviate the pain of the violent game they play, is such a target, and why the NFL has budged so little.

Plus, there’s the very real possibility that the only “problem” Gordon has is liking his bud. It’s his offseason thing, his bye week thing, his after-work thing. Nothing else illegal or destructive or even unseemly.

The NFL, again, has to ask itself if whether, in the absence of any other problem, this should be a big enough problem to end his career.

Because, contrary to popular belief, it sounds like Josh Gordon actually does want to play.

David Steele