With Josh Brown, Giants and NFL fumble another Ray Rice moment

David Steele

With Josh Brown, Giants and NFL fumble another Ray Rice moment image

Josh Brown now has his version of the elevator video. So do the NFL and Roger Goodell. So do the New York Football Giants and owner John Mara.

Remember, the actual elevator video, two years and one month ago, is what got the NFL and the Ravens to suddenly get a conscience and proclaim, There’s no place in this league for Ray Rice. Their epiphany was ruled too late by an arbitrator, though. You had your chance before, and you gave him a slap on his wrist and a big bearhug when he was ready to return, the ruling essentially said.

MORE: A look at NFL players arrested on domestic violence charges

So the NFL and the Giants can’t pull that transparent stunt this time. 

The dirty laundry of Josh Brown’s marriage is out — his journals and other writings made public late Wednesday by the police who charged him last year with assault on his wife, and by cable network SNY. The world now knows more gut-wrenching detail about how Brown abused his wife “physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally,’’ in his own words.

Precedent tells us that the NFL and the Giants can’t kick his weak, sorry behind to the curb now. 

The Giants already decided his words, deeds and crimes weren’t enough to get rid of him before. The NFL decided they weren’t enough for the league to adhere to its own widely publicized, brand-new, pseudo-tough domestic violence policy and suspend him for a minimum of six games.

The Giants and the NFL made their peace with Brown. We’ve been subjected to him every week since he’s returned from his one-game “punishment,’’ including the three games he’s played right here during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. (You know, the month in which the league doesn’t require players, coaches and employees to wear its signature color.)

Brown has been on a prime-time stage twice already. He takes the international stage this Sunday — a wife-beater kicking in the next London game against the Rams. (UPDATE: The Giants announced Thursday that Brown will not travel with the team this weekend.) 

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The Giants have given their approval by more than letting him keep his job — coach Ben McAdoo and, more importantly, owner Mara have spoken up on his behalf and explained why they support him and why he gets to stick around.

Remember, McAdoo said he would be “disappointed” with Giants players who might join Colin Kaepernick’s anthem protests against police brutality and racial oppression. McAdoo has also said of Odell Beckham Jr.’s end-zone and sideline celebrations, “He knows we can’t have it.’’

Not disappointed in his wife-beating kicker, though. Not disappointed in having his kicker refer to his wife as a “slave.”

Beckham, of course, has been in the eye of a storm of attention all over the league the past three or four weeks because apparently he’s some sort of distraction, a problem that has to be solved, a player who needs his playing time threatened for the sake of locker-room peace. 

Treat your wife like garbage, get arrested multiple times, get the league to step in (even for a mild rebuke), but don’t go near that kicking net or else.

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Brown apparently has mastered the challenge of staying employed despite violating the law, NFL policy and the bounds of human decency: Keep your head down, whether you’re following through on an extra-point or not.

The entire football world has noticed, though. Those documents weren’t going to stay hidden forever. His police record has never been hidden.

The Giants and the NFL chose to keep their eyes closed, though. And now, even with his “repulsive” (Brown’s word, again) actions revealed, they have to leave him alone because they screwed up when they had their best chance to live by their own words.

Josh Brown’s elevator-video moment won’t end up hurting him at all.

Odell Beckham Jr., though? Keep watching your back.

David Steele