Joe Buck wants you to stop sending sex tapes for him to narrate

Emily Carson

Joe Buck wants you to stop sending sex tapes for him to narrate image

Joe Buck's social media experiment, in which he does play-by-play for videos that followers send in of their daily lives, has been a huge success so far for the broadcaster during this coronavirus quarantine.

So far the videos have ranged from golf trick shots, to marble racing, to a balding hairline, and many of them are infinitely entertaining with Buck's particular brand of commentary.

MORE: Joe Buck looks to stay fresh during quarantine

But now Buck has a request: Stop sending him sex tapes.

In an interview with KMOX in St. Louis, Buck revealed that he has received several videos on the more amorous side, and that he will not be posting or calling play-by-play for these.

"Yeah, I've received quite a few," Buck said. "And you have to be careful. You have to go through these videos like the Zapruder film because you're worried that there's going to be something in the background, there's going to be something hidden like a Highlights Magazine that we should not focus on, but it's still there and it becomes some internet thing where I put my voice to something that I shouldn't have. 

MORE: Joe Buck gives hilarious play-by-play of people's everyday activities

"Yeah, I've had a couple of submissions from let's say, a man and a woman, that just didn't seem appropriate to put my voice to in this stage of my life. Maybe later in life, but not now. I look at these videos very carefully and pick the ones that seem the most wholesome to put my voice to."

Who knows, if this quarantine goes on much longer and he runs out of videos, we may soon see a very different side of Joe Buck's play-by-play.

Emily Carson