The Jim Brown who once fought the good fight has switched sides

David Steele

The Jim Brown who once fought the good fight has switched sides image

If Jim Brown is not on the Mount Rushmore of social, political and civil-rights activism by athletes in our time (up there with, at least, Muhammad Ali, Tommie Smith and John Carlos), he’s on the short list waiting for a vacancy.

He was, that is. Jim Brown himself is now the vacancy. 

Those are the consequences when you insert yourself into a feud between John Lewis and Donald Trump — and take the side of Trump while insulting Lewis.

Jim Brown on John Lewis vs. Donald Trump

MORE: Sports figures who have supported Donald Trump

To see and hear what Brown said on CNN Wednesday morning — about Lewis, a hero of the civil rights movement, and the president-elect whose inauguration Lewis is pointedly boycotting — is to see a meticulously crafted but well-earned image disappear before your eyes, as if it were a mirage.

To be precise, this is what Brown said about Lewis — all of which is in line with his trip to Trump Tower last month, his declaration that “I fell in love with him,” and his belief that Trump was not the racist, nor the public embracer of racists, he’d portrayed himself to be:

“When I hear him cry the blues about Mr. Trump and saying it’s an illegitimate presidency, I take offense to that. … Don’t cry the blues because you did not get the vote out and this man had a genius way of winning the election.’’

It's one thing to hear or see that from a Steve Harvey, a Ray Lewis or a Kanye West, who also have touted their new friendships with the soon-to-be president.

But this is Jim Brown.

Anything Brown did over the past six decades to pound away at the establishment and shatter the walls of racism, white supremacy and the dehumanization of African-Americans, now looks, sounds and smells like an utter fable, a cruel joke about his own people.

Remember, Brown was taking up his mantle within the NFL and in sports at the same time, literally, that John Lewis was doing so on the national stage. They're just five years apart in age.

MORE: Classic photos of Jim Brown

There is simply no way to reconcile Brown's words, and all the others he has spouted in defense of the man who has spent the week insulting an icon of the movement, and this image, of the meeting Brown himself adjourned on behalf of Ali 50 years ago, when the same forces Lewis was fighting were coming after Ali’s resistance to the draft.

“Jim said, ‘Get everybody together. We can’t let them do this,’” John Wooten, Brown’s former teammate who was at that meeting with all those other prominent and conscious black athletes, recalled last year.

Half a century later, Brown was faced with the same situation as Lewis — and essentially said, “Go on ahead, I’m fine letting them do this.” 

In fact, based on his words and deeds on behalf of his new friend the president-elect, Jim Brown is now “them.”

Back in the day, Brown was not the sports version of John Lewis; few people in any walk of life can live up to that comparison, and everything from the photos of the bloody Selma march in 1965 to his sit-in on the House floor last June over gun legislation drives that home. 

But in his world, Brown used everything he could to buck a system that few athletes even in his day ever took the risk to buck against.

That has been addressed plenty of times over the past year — around his 80th birthday last February, during the celebrations of Ali’s life last June, when Colin Kaepernick began his protests last summer.

That’s the Jim Brown we thought we knew. 

MORE: Jim Brown says Trump presidency "will work for the better"

One who is a troubling contradiction who left us terribly conflicted, to be sure — because he was just as adamant about never taking responsibility for the atrocious way he treated women over the years, how he clearly didn’t include them in the group of people he believed were entitled to respect, protection and humanity. You had to swallow some guilt to stand behind Jim Brown sometimes.

Those who couldn’t and wouldn’t should feel vindicated today. The fraudulent, untrustworthy side of him was there. Many chose to give him the benefit of the doubt because of the scope of the fight he took on.

Approaching his 81st birthday, he clearly has given up that fight. He’s chosen the side he prefers. He’s decided that John Lewis, of all people, needs to shut up and defer to the man who publicly called him a "liar," who denigrated his accomplishments, his congressional district and the people for whom he’s dedicated his life defending.

Once upon a time, Brown fought for the same people Lewis did. Yet now, he thinks Lewis is crying “the blues.”

With that, it’s time to sing a dirge for who and what Jim Brown used to be.

That Jim Brown is dead.

David Steele