Nobody wanted a Jay Cutler-autographed football at a charity auction

Dane Carbaugh

Nobody wanted a Jay Cutler-autographed football at a charity auction image

Jay Cutler is not the most popular quarterback in the NFL, but he should at least get some play in the town where he works. Right?

Maybe not. During a recent charity auction, a Cutler-autographed football went without a single bid, according to the Chicago Tribune.

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/sad trombone

This was at an event for an animal charity organization called the Anti-Cruelty Society, no less. 

Society president Dr. Robyn Barbiers said the attendees weren't exactly "a football crowd."

Luckily, one person called back to offer a generous $100 for the ball as a birthday gift to his son, a Bears fan.

I'm not sure about that last part. Giving a kid a Jay Cutler ball for his birthday?

Seems awfully cruel to me.

Dane Carbaugh