Greg Hardy should be kept out of NFL until he shows he can act like a man

David Steele

Greg Hardy should be kept out of NFL until he shows he can act like a man image

Greg Hardy is not ready to play in the NFL. 

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It would be hard for a player to sound less ready to play than he does, and that includes draft prospects six or seven years younger than him.

Contrary to popular opinion, ESPN giving Hardy a microphone and camera wasn’t wrong. Otherwise, we’d be guessing Hardy’s state of mind as he went on his image-rehab tour. Now, we know. He has left no doubt. 

He wants back into the NFL, but he can’t get out of a Charlotte courtroom.

What overshadowed every disturbing aspect of his sitdown with NFL insider Adam Schefter, which aired in full Tuesday, was that Hardy isn’t finished trying his domestic violence case from two summers ago. He kept declaring himself “innocent,” in defiance of the actual results from both the bench trial and the dropping of charges before his jury trial. 

He wants everyone to believe he’s innocent. He’s certain he’s the real victim. He needs to make it clear that, sure, he could have handled some things differently, but actually, not really, because he didn’t really do anything wrong, so stop punishing him for it.

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Never mind, for the moment, that only a desperate team would want Hardy on its roster, in its locker room, when he’s talking and acting like that. (Also forget that there are desperate teams out there. Hardy found one last year, remember?)

Hardy, less than three months short of his 28th birthday, six years into his NFL career, sounded like a kid. Not like an adult — like a big, quick, immature teenager.

And the NFL is a terrible place for someone who doesn’t act or think or carry himself like a responsible, accountable adult.

True, most big-time pro athletes stay sheltered from the world in which most people function; as many have said, they’ve been on scholarship since middle school, and they get passes on adulthood more than most.

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But as good as Hardy might still be as a football player (and that’s seriously in question, too), he’s proving to be completely incapable of being accountable enough to be a professional. Not even one whose future depends on him accepting the consequences of his actions.

His ESPN interview was a parade of reasons why everything that has happened is someone else’s fault. Why everyone misunderstands him, why getting convicted in his first trial was just some glitch in North Carolina law, why the photos of his alleged victim weren’t what everyone says they are, why nobody gets his sense of humor about “guns blazing” and Tom Brady’s wife and the Twin Towers.

Most important, to him, his return isn’t dependent on him convincing teams that he is sorry, that he grasps the ramifications, that he is a better person and teammate, that he can be counted on.

To him, it’s about teams realizing they have him all wrong. Even about the guilty verdict and the grotesque photos. He hasn’t made a mistake. Everyone else has.

Even if he tried to sound more juvenile, in some bizarre act of career sabotage, he couldn’t have succeeded more than he did.

Hardy made it through six NFL seasons without having to grow up. Before he tries for a seventh — or does anything else in his life — he needs to nail down being a grown-up.

David Steele