Giants' walkie-talkie bust latest stain on a shady season

David Steele

Giants' walkie-talkie bust latest stain on a shady season image

For a team with that tradition, that reputation, operating in that market and having a season this successful, the Giants are emerging as the runaway NFL leaders in slime.

How shady their words and deeds have been this season shouldn’t fly under the radar as much as it has. It might be because they’re rarely considered in total, just as individually noxious, disingenuous, or both.

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On Tuesday, they took a healthy kick in the teeth from the league over the walkie-talkie stunt they pulled two Sundays ago against the Cowboys. It’s framed by the excesses of Deflategate, so its brazenness is getting underplayed. So is the weight of the punishment. Fines are one thing. Hitting the coach directly along with the organization is another. Screwing with draft picks takes it up another level. 

It only looks like a wrist-slap compared to what the NFL dragged Tom Brady through. But, really … they felt mighty comfortable openly breaking a clear-cut rule on national TV, not even hidden from the standard coach-camera shot.

The Giants have felt disturbingly at ease about a lot of unsavory things this season, though.

First and foremost, shielding domestic abuser on their roster for so long, giving him a raise, casually defending it in public, and keeping him around until public pressure finally forced their hand. 

They’ll be stained by the Josh Brown situation for years, more than the NFL will be — that is, if history treats it at all fairly. That lands in the lap of John Mara, the co-owner with so much power in league circles, and the old-money family scion with the reputation for running a “classy” operation.

It lands in the lap of the aforementioned scofflaw coach, too, Ben McAdoo, who felt comfortable standing by Brown "as a man, a father and a player." 

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And it lands on whoever in the organization stood accused of hinting that Annie Apple — who publicly lashed out at the Giants for their handling of Brown while telling her horrifying personal tale of domestic abuse — should keep her mouth shut, or else her son, rookie Eli Apple, would suffer the consequences.

McAdoo, meanwhile, has felt just as comfortable all year calling out his best player publicly, declaring him the source of all kinds of internal problems and threatening to discipline him if he didn’t get in line. All because he acted out on the sidelines and locker rooms occasionally, in between bailing the offense out and making game-saving plays.

That’s Odell Beckham Jr., of course, who never got the personal endorsements from McAdoo the way Brown did.

McAdoo also felt inspired to take a stand for the flag and the troops — and against the protesting Colin Kaepernick — and hinting that the players needed to do the same. Again, this is what he felt more motivated to condemn, rather than the criminal acts of the kicker he needed so much.

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This is a franchise whose moral compass is way out of whack. At least as much as their division rival and, in most years, the standard for moral quagmires, the Cowboys.

The Giants haven’t exactly gotten a pass for it. But they haven’t exactly been openly and widely roasted the way other franchises have, either — others who harbored woman-beaters, who skirted the rules of competition, who played player favorites and locker-room mind games.

It’s not all that clear why, either, in light of where they play and where they are in the standings. The Jets, Knicks and Yankees have been national lightning rods for months on end off of half of what the Giants have pulled this season. Compared to them, the Giants are coated in Teflon.

Again, it may be a case of too few connecting all the dots in and around the Meadowlands. They form a picture of a team teaching a master class in playing by your own rules, not caring who likes it or not, and skating by on decades of good will.

It’ll be interesting watching how much longer that lasts. Franchises that oily tend to slide a long way, though.

David Steele