The evolution of football strategy

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How has the strategy and play of NFL football changed in the last 5 to 10 years? ​Originally answered on April 23, 2016.

This question originally appeared on Quora, the knowledge-sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

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Answer by Jay Stark, who spent two years working for an NFL team and 20 years working for the league:

Like almost everything else in life, change is the only constant. Every time a coach comes out with a new offensive/defensive wrinkle, another coach will come up with a scheme to counter it. It may take a year or two to find the Achilles in something new, but it will happen. And if the new schemes are good, most teams will copy them to one degree or another.

The biggest changes in the last 5 to 10 years that stand out to me have been rules changes. Injuries (concussions in particular) have accounted for some of them. We will no longer see the likes of John Lynch or Dick Butkus roaming the field. Protecting the most valuable player (the quarterback) has also brought about some changes. The league is becoming a pass-friendly league more than ever. Changes in offensive/defensive strategies are coming from these changes, but they are subtle and slow to take place. The change in play takes even longer because players just coming into the NFL have been playing by the old rules for so long (Pop Warner, high school, and college). In just a few more years, this will no longer be an issue, as rules have a way of trickling down.

For the biggest changes that I have seen, we have to go back a little further than 10 years. For me, it has been the specialization of players. Thirty years ago, the only time a player was substituted was to send in a play. Then, 15 to 20 years ago, offensively, teams started having Rhino packages (two big running backs) for short yardage situations, third-down running backs, and four- and five-receiver sets for long yardage, even if it wasn't third down. On defense, linemen and linebackers seem to interchange on almost every down. Players are drafted (and hired through free agency) just because they are very good at one thing. But there is a limit to this kind specialization, as long as the rosters are static.

In the last 10 years, teams have been experimenting more with the running QB. I don't mean a mobile QB, but one who has designed running plays and the ability to be successful with them. The jury still seems to be out on whether this type of player has a future in the NFL.

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Plays and schemes are more specialized than ever. Teams go into their planning for the next opponent with a different set of plays (offensively and/or defensively) depending on what kind of scheme/talent they are facing. Many times, they actually add plays based on who/what they are facing.

There are times that when a coach is hired, it's not because he is the best coach available, but because his style of offense/defense matches the talent currently on the team. Owners and GMs sometimes believe that this will shorten the time it should take to turn the team around.

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