Deflategate ruling confirms Roger Goodell has all the power, and the players have none

David Steele

Deflategate ruling confirms Roger Goodell has all the power, and the players have none image

The NFL’s latest Deflategate courtroom win confirms that Roger Goodell is boss, and the players … are not.

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Monday’s ruling to put Tom Brady’s suspension back in place pretty much makes the commissioner all-powerful. He might as well be carried onto the stage for Thursday's NFL draft in a litter, with rose petals tossed at his feet.

Worse, it reminds the world, over and over, that the union let it happen. This wasn’t a hostile takeover of the sport; it was a damn-near complete surrender.

At least in past court cases favorable to the players against Goodell, judges have found wiggle room in the labor agreement where the commissioner didn’t get to do anything he wanted to the players without any pushback.

Not this time. 

The judges from the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals used the phrase “broad discretion under the collective bargaining agreement” on Page 2 of the decision. Over the remaining 31 pages of the majority decision, “broad discretion” or something nearly identical appears no fewer than 29 more times. Even the dissenting opinion points out Goodell’s “exceptional discretion.” 

Phrases like “scope of power,” “exclusive disciplinary authority,” “sole power” and “broad authority” pepper the ruling. Each one is a poke in the eye of the NFL Players Association. 

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So was every reference to the “Commissioner” and the “arbitrator” — because, of course, under the rules they agreed to, they’re the same person.

This line, though, just before the conclusion, is a punch in the gut, unraveling not only this argument but almost any one the union could make on a player’s behalf under the current labor deal:

“Had the parties wished to restrict the Commissioner’s authority, they could have fashioned a different agreement.’’

Translation (if it even needs one): if you didn’t want the commissioner to have the entire decision about suspending the biggest name in the sport for a quarter of the season in his hands, you shouldn’t have given him the juice to do it.

If the union’s official response is any indication, they know they really stepped in it, and aren’t going to be able to scrape it off for a while. Its three-sentence statement said it “will carefully review the decision.”

However, chances are good that players across the league are carefully reviewing every decision they and their leaders made back in 2011 when the owners threatened to lock them out.

In hindsight, that may be the only thing the players won in the labor deal: they got to play and get their paychecks that season. The trade-off was that they could get slapped down by Goodell for any reason at any time with any kind of punishment.

That includes being “generally aware” of balls getting deflated before a playoff game.

The contract runs through 2020. That’s four more years of players getting their faces rubbed in it, and not being able to do a whole lot about it.


David Steele