Colin Kaepernick is no Jackie Robinson — and shouldn't have to be

Adi Joseph

Colin Kaepernick is no Jackie Robinson — and shouldn't have to be image

It had to be Jackie Robinson, back then, in 1947. 

It had to be the college-educated, military-hardened former UCLA football star: the one with the even temperament and total understanding of what he was about to do. It couldn’t be Josh Gibson, the hard-hitting, hard-living legend of the Negro leagues. It couldn't be Don Newcombe, the 19-year-old future star who, by his own admission, wasn’t yet ready.

MORE: The worst of the Kaepernick takes

It had to be Robinson, for the same reason it had to be Rosa Parks eight years later, for the same reason it couldn’t be Claudette Colvin. For the same reason some insist today — 69 years after Robinson broke baseball’s color line, 61 years after Parks became the face of the Civil Rights Movement — that it can’t be Colin Kaepernick.

“This kid was about Instagram models, tattoos, his abs and building up the Colin Kaepernick brand — until the very moment he loses his starting quarterback job,” Fox Sports’ Jason Whitlock said this week. “And now he's out here and he's ‘Martin Luther Cornrow.’ And he's got cornrows, he's Allen Iverson, he's Angela Davis. I don't buy it.”

Whitlock’s words strike with the lash of a whip. In one sound bite, he questions Kaepernick’s integrity, blackness, past and present. He strikes into the heart of a conversation many have danced around, the idea that Kaepernick is not good enough — at football, at blackness, at life — to take the spotlight and be a public-facing leader in the Black Lives Matter movement.

In doing so, Whitlock and others spit not only on the movement, but also the legacies of Robinson and Parks, the achievements of those “good enough” to go first.

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Diminishing the man — rather than refuting the movement — is not a new tactic. J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI targeted Martin Luther King Jr., Huey P. Newton and other black leaders through ad hominem attacks (and much, much worse), as though flawed men cannot lead righteous causes. It is a method that has been rendered ineffective in this era. Centralized civic leadership has gone the way of respectability politics, over time. “The model of the black preacher leading people to the promised land isn’t working right now,” Alicia Garza told The New Yorker's Jelani Cobb earlier this year. She is the progenitor of the phrase "Black Lives Matter." She first used it in a Facebook post.

The Black Lives Matter movement, as Cobb details, is a democratically fractured mission. It’s a testament to the strength and acrimony of social media. Opponents have tried to undermine it by harping on disputes between its leaders, but they have failed because the power was placed in the hands of everyone who believes in the central message: namely, that black lives matter.

(To make things clear: That message is rarely intoned as Black lives matter more. It serves as a reminder and an instruction that black lives matter and that taking a black life matters. As Fox Sports’ Nick Wright, running counter to his colleagues, phrased it, “When someone says, ‘Save the rainforest,’ does someone get up in their face saying, ‘Oh, so you’re saying the rainforests are more important than other forests? Why don’t you save all forests?’”)

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This is where Kaepernick comes into play. While basketball players have worn T-shirts and many athletes have spoken passionately about the issues, the statement of sitting — then kneeling — during the national anthem gave a visual to the spirit of protest. If Kaepernick’s execution lacked the grace of Tommie Smith and John Carlos lifting their black-gloved fists in 1968, it carried the same intentions.

That this might have been more public relations-friendly had Kaepernick not worn pig-cop socks in training camp, that this might have been more galvanizing coming from an unimpeachable role model-type like Larry Fitzgerald, that Kaepernick is of mixed race and was raised by white parents ... those are footnotes. Other players took note of Kaepernick’s idea. They joined him. They spoke their truths, sometimes more eloquently than even Kaepernick could.

Kaepernick is a leader because people followed, not because he meets some always-increasing standard.

SLOVER: Maybe more people should sit with Kaepernick 

Author Ta-Nehisi Coates, in a beautiful letter to his son-turned-memoir, "Between the World and Me," discusses an episode where he nearly lost his cool toward a white woman who had shoved his young son. He expresses his understanding of the magnitude of the moment, that going even one step too far could send him to prison. In a broader sense, he is describing the precarious balance facing black leadership. “Not all of us can always be Jackie Robinson — not even Jackie Robinson was always Jackie Robinson,” Coates writes.

Colin Kaepernick is not Jackie Robinson. And because of Robinson, he does not have to be.

Adi Joseph

Adi Joseph Photo