'I was just kicking the football': Carli Lloyd's path to NFL is visible to women who played college football

Edward Sutelan

'I was just kicking the football': Carli Lloyd's path to NFL is visible to women who played college football image

Ashley Cockrell carries her equipment bag through a hallway toward her designated area beneath the 15,000-seat Burgess-Snow Stadium at Jacksonville State.

"Hey don't walk in here. I'm in here changing," she shouts out into the hall.

"Nobody wants to see you," a man's voice answers.

"Yeah, back at you," says Cockrell, then Ashley Martin.

She drops her bag just inside her "locker room," which is just a corner in the equipment room that has blue plastic tarps engulfing a personalized space for her.

"There's an outside door to the equipment room, so I did not have to walk through the locker room," Cockrell tells Sporting News 19 years later.

She straps on her shoulder, thigh, knee, hip, tailbone, shock and neck pads before dressing herself with the white, red-striped pants and her red No. 89 Jacksonville State jersey. As she puts on her helmet, she makes sure to flip her pony tail to the back so her hair will not get caught in the heavy plastic contraption.

On this day, Aug. 30, 2001, Cockrell will do something never before done by a woman. She will score a point in a Division I-AA (now FCS) football game.

After impressing at the Eagles' training camp this year, Carli Lloyd reportedly has received offers from NFL teams to kick at football's highest level, though she has said she will refrain from making a decision until 2020. Though the U.S. women's national team soccer star would be the first woman to get an opportunity with an NFL team, at least 10 have already drilled a field goal in college football.

And for those who have come before Lloyd, like Cockrell, there were plenty of obstacles to overcome in a sport entirely comprised of men.

Talent, however, was never one of them.

Joining the team

Cockrell did not approach Jacksonville State's coaching staff. Rather, the staff approached her.

Mike Bobo, the quarterbacks coach at the time and now Colorado State's head coach, had seen her kick for East Coweta High School and noticed her as someone who was on scholarship for soccer. Lacking a backup kicker, Bobo brought up the idea with then-head coach Jack Crowe, who met with Cockrell to discuss the proposition.

She was asked if she would meet with the captains of the football team.

"With any team, when you invite something new — especially something that's going to rock the boat essentially — like everybody either needs to be on board or don't do it," Cockrell said. "The guys were obviously on board.

"Looking back now, I'm just in awe of the whole thing. The maturity and they were such gentlemen about the whole thing and so professional to be college athletes — not that college athletes aren't professional, but to have a whole team full of men that were that respectful, that professional and handle that the way that they did was astounding."

Cockrell said no one ever reacted negatively to having a woman on the football team. It was different, sure, and it surprised some of the freshmen on the team at first when she was a newcomer. But Cockrell was welcomed with open arms, and she became a sort of sister to the players on the team.

One night after practice, the team was having a dinner of chicken nuggets at the school, and Cockrell didn't finish her meal. She wandered over to a table where offensive linemen were sitting and offered her remaining nuggets to one of them.

"That was all it took," Cockrell said. "From then on, he was like, 'Yeah, do you want to come sit with us?'"

Morgan Salzwedel, currently a junior kicker for Division-III California Lutheran, said her experience has been was much the same. She began playing football as a kicker when she was a sophomore in high school before joining the varsity team for her junior and senior years.

When she was in high school, it was the players from the football team who sought her out and asked her to kick. She had friends on the Live Oaks High School team, and they had seen her kicking during soccer games.

Advancing to college, Salzwedel had committed to playing soccer, but after things didn't work out the way she wanted on the freshman soccer team, she reached out to the football coach.

She suited up for CLU's football team through the second half of the 2017 season and finished the year having drilled 13 PATs. She made three more in her sophomore season.

At first, some were surprised to see a woman playing football, but didn't lead to backlash, Salzwedel said. She never received "bad vibes" from anyone; it was more just players getting comfortable with her being around.

"It can be a little difficult because there's going to be people that have never played with a girl on their team before, and so I sort of seem vulnerable in those situations," Salzwedel said.

For her, the way to combat that feeling at first was to open up to her teammates and coaches while getting to know them better, too.

"I'm going to be with them 24/7 for 13 weeks," Salzwedel said. "So you know getting a lot of support from my teammates and just having the support from my coaches and even like with my university, I have a lot of support behind me, and so that makes all the difference is just having that 1 percent not really bother me."

Being welcomed to the team by the players and staff was the first step. The next was making accommodations for a situation that had never presented itself. 

It was easy enough for the home team to come up with a locker room situation, though Salzewedel spent her first few games changing in the stadium elevator before a solution was hatched. But road teams also had to find a place for her to dress.​ Cockrell said she would often have to change in the women's restroom.

"Not one single time did I change in an away game women's bathroom that somebody didn't come in and then think they were in the wrong restroom," Cockrell said. "I would be like, 'You're in the right one. It's totally fine. Long story. I'll be out of here, wait a second.'"

If Lloyd plays in the NFL, this is an issue teams will have to be ready to tackle. It's not just having one team find space; every opponent her team visits will have to be prepared for Lloyd to have her own space. (The NFL did not respond to a request for comment by Sporting News about making accommodations for Lloyd or another woman player.)

Hillary Carter, who kicked on Earlham College's football team in 2007, said the biggest obstacles she faced were these logistics, not going from kicking a soccer ball to kicking a football.

"When you're talking about a male team and then you add a female into that, we had difficulty," Carter said. "Where do I change? Where's my locker room? When can I come into the team locker room for the pre-game or post-game speech? Do visiting teams have facilities that are available for me to use? How involved am I, or can I be with some of the ritual type of things?"

From soccer to football

Carter played for the Earlham College soccer team through her first two years at the school before she showed off her kicking ability to some friends on the football team.

In terms of the technique and mechanics of kicking a football, Carter found it wasn't overly difficult. There is a little bit of a timing difference and an ajustment in where to strike the ball, but squaring her shoulders and hips before following through wasn't much different.

"Striking lower on the (soccer) ball pushing it to the ground, that's what's going to elevate the ball to go into the air," Carter said. "And so with the football, just by the nature of the way that the ball is shaped and designed, it's much easier to kick it lower, which is what you want to do because you want to get the ball up into the air as fast as you can so that you know a defensive lineman isn't blocking that kick."

Cockrell said the biggest difference is the torque in her leg when she is kicking. She said she didn't have the strength others had, and she needed to be able to get the most out of her leg.

"If you get your leg swinging around quicker, you get the torque of that and you get the distance on the ball there on the kick," Cockrell said.

But there were two factors beyond kicking the football harder and quicker. The first was equipment.

Carter had no idea how to put on her pads and such; when she did so for the first time, she returned to her dorm room, where her sister and roommate helped her put them on.

"I didn't feel comfortable asking my teammates," Carter said. "I didn't want to look silly."

Salzwedel originally had to kick while using male pads on her junior varsity high school team before her coach got her female equipment. But even with pads designed for her, she needed time to adjust.

"They're not super heavy, but they do make a difference in your technique," Salzwedel said.

Then there was the helmet.

"You're not used to having something on your head, and you can't see; your peripheral vision isn't good," Carter said. "So you have to turn your head to see who's standing next to you."

Defensive pressure

Beyond equipment, the second factor was kicking on a timer. A tenth of a second too slow, and the kick (and the leg of the kicker) will likely meet the body of a charging opponent.

As some who doubt Lloyd's ability to play in the NFL are quick to point out on social media, it's one thing to kick when no one is storming the line. It's another once a group of massive men are trying to get to the kicker.

"To be quite honest, the first time that I kicked with an opposing line in front of me, it was absolutely terrifying," Carter said. "There's never really a situation in soccer where you have a large group of men running at you in an attempt to take you down."

In the NFL, it takes times ranging from 1.4 seconds to 1.6 seconds from when the ball is snapped to when a lineman blocks the kick. But in 2018, there were only 10 field-goal attempts blocked in the NFL.

"Part of it is establishing that trust and creating that relationship with your linemen of, 'You're going to protect me; I know you're going to protect me,'" Carter said.​ Cockrell said she would bribe linemen with brownies or homemade food to incentivize their blocking.

Rules also play in a kicker's favor. Sure, at 141 pounds, Lloyd would be the lightest player in the NFL behind fellow kicker Cairo Santos, who checks in at 160 pounds. But a defender can't make contact with the kicker unless the kick is blocked, and most will go out of their way to avoid doing so. The kicker is rarely in a spot where contact is required.

"I'm hopeful, I guess I should say, that size isn't going to be a deterrent from Carli pursuing this or any other female in the future pursuing it," Carter said. "I think it might be a different scenario if you're talking about a position where there maybe is a little more contact because the rules allow there to be more contact."

Cockrell said she was never hit in college and never had to worry about a situation with a fumble. In high school, though, the situation did come up on a couple occasions. One was a blatant personal foul during a game in which her team was blowing out its opponent.

After a field goal, one of the opposing players picked up Cockrell by the jersey and threw her backwards. The benches cleared.

"I mean coaches, like players, like it was out of control," Cockrell said.

Can Carli do it?

For Carter, Cockrell and Salzwedel, the answer is a resounding yes. There is no question.

Lloyd has the leg to nail 40- or 50-yard fied goals regularly. Performance-wise, transitioning from soccer to football is not the challenge she faces.

Instead, her first challenge might be gaining support. Salzwedel says the first step to creating a more welcoming environment for Lloyd is to have vocal support from those in positions of power in the NFL. But even with that, it's far from a guarantee that she will be well-received.

"As much as I would love to see the NFL fan base really support women's rights and women's football players, it would definitely be an uphill battle for maybe a couple of years," Salzwedel said.

The next challenges are the implications of Lloyd breaking the gender barrier in the NFL. While it might not open the floodgates for women pouring into the league, Carter said, it would ensure young girls can strive to play football at the highest level without it being viewed as an impossibility.

When Cockrell reflects on her college football career, she doesn't think about the challenges she faced. No matter what was said on the outside about her playing football, being with her teammates was her comfort zone.

"It was outside of that, what everybody was trying to make it. They wanted an agenda. They wanted to make it something," Cockrell said. "Whether because that was a good story or making a pathway for women in sports and all that. Golly man, I wish I had that power, you know what I mean?

"But people have to make their own pathways, and I just feel like that's what makes it difficult, is everybody's opinions and everybody else trying to make something that maybe it is or maybe it isn't.

"For me? I was just kicking a ball. I was just, I don't know, they asked me to help, and I saw that would mean that I could help, and that's what it was."

On Aug. 30, 2001, that's all it was for Cockrell. Just kicking a ball. The crowd roared as she took the field and lined up her kick in the first quarter with her team leading 13-0 and hoping to extend its lead with a PAT.

There was plenty of media attention given to the game and plenty of excitement from those in attendance watching the historic kick. But Cockrell had it all blocked out. She had her teammates in front of her, an opposing line itching to block the kick, and a job to do.

She drilled the ball and sent it through uprights. The kick sent the crowd into a frenzy and wrote the script for the Gamecocks' 72-10 win over Cumberland, a game in which she made three PATs.

But after the first kick, there was no thought of a broken barrier, no question of whether she belonged. There was only a feeling of camaraderie as she high-fived her teammates on her way back to the sideline.

Edward Sutelan

Edward Sutelan Photo

Edward Sutelan joined The Sporting News in 2021 after covering high school sports for PennLive. Edward graduated from The Ohio State University in 2019, where he gained experience covering the baseball, football and basketball teams. Edward also spent time working for The Columbus Dispatch and Cape Cod Times.