Yet another 'Letter to the Editor' Cam Newton hot take

Troy Machir

Yet another 'Letter to the Editor' Cam Newton hot take image

Move over #TennesseeMom, you no longer are the author of the most ridiculous Cam Newton hot take to be published in The Charlotte Observer's Letters to the Editor.

No longer is the Panthers' starting quarterback a bad role model because he celebrates touchdowns. 

MORE: The many celebrations of Cam Newton | Champion of the community

According to two people who read the Observer and wrote in to the Charlotte paper, Newton is a bad role model and a bad parent because he is not married to the mother of his newborn son. 

Newton has been in a long-term relationship with the mother of Chosen Sebastian Newton, who was born between Christmas and New Year's Eve. 

Here's what Patricia S. Broderick of Mooresville, N.C., had to say, via The Observer.

So the man whom we celebrate, and with good reason, has produced a son. Congratulations would be in order if he had been man enough to marry the mother of his child and make a home. This happy occasion is blighted when Cam, whose own parents were married, skips the very basis of being a good parent.

I am just very sorry and very disappointed.

But wait, there's more. Here is Thomas Uhl, also of Mooresville, who believes that Newton lacks morals and that the local media have lost their way.

It is amazing that the birth of Cam Newton’s son by his girlfriend is a front-page story. The U.S. is seeing a rise in unmarried births and for the media to flash this as the greatest happening for Cam Newton is contrary to today’s family principles.

Cam is a role model to many of our young males, both white and black. The least that he and his longtime girlfriend could have done is to get married prior to giving birth to show his followers that not only is he a superstar, but also a person with high morals.

According to the 2014 Census, 35 percent of women in the United States aged 15-51 who gave birth in the calendar year were unmarried. According to Broderick and Uhl, 35 percent of women in the United States aged 15-51 who gave birth in the calendar year, and by virtue, the fathers of the babies, are unfit to be parents and are bad role models simply because the parents were not wed at the time of birth.

Whether someone is a bad role model should be defined by the way they treat their kids and act toward others. A good parent or good role model should not be defined by a wedding certificate, starting quarterback or not.

Troy Machir