Cam has spoken on police shooting, so now it's time for Panthers, owner to speak up, too

David Steele

Cam has spoken on police shooting, so now it's time for Panthers, owner to speak up, too image

Today, it’s Charlotte’s turn. Well, truthfully, it’s Charlotte’s turn again. The city in the crosshairs of America today because of the killing of another black man by police was in this same place three years ago after former Florida A&M football player Jonathan Ferrell was killed by police, and a year ago when the officer’s manslaughter trial ended in a mistrial.

Yes, now when we talk about the police shooting in Charlotte, we have to ask, “Which one?”

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Context always helps, and since so many NFL players have chosen to plant their feet firmly in the middle of this uniquely American crisis, context will be needed when the name of the biggest individual star in the Charlotte galaxy, Cam Newton, comes up.

Newton spent the summer after his MVP-Super Bowl season tiptoeing around every question about blackness, including when fellow African-America quarterback Colin Kaepernick began his sitdown/kneeldown protests against police brutality. 

On Wednesday, he talked more about it than he ever has, with all the events of the day before in Charlotte and of the last month in the NFL swirling around him. He spoke for a long time, yet stayed steadfastly on the fence. His most telling quote was about how speaking out put him in a "lose-lose" situation.

Which hasn't stopped Kaepernick or an increasing number of NFL players taking a stand regardless.

There wasn't much reason to expect more — just to hope for more. Especially on this day, with Keith Lamont Scott dead, with blood and badges and rocks and glass in the streets of his city, and with fellow NFL players willing to be heard and seen.

Except, consider this: If Newton is going to get inserted into the middle of this, he’d damn well better not be alone. 

On this stage, on this scale, one lone 27-year-old athlete, no matter how popular, cannot be allowed to carry this weight by himself.

Again, it’s time to bring context, and to remind the world that Charlotte is not really Cam Newton’s town.

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It’s the Carolina Panthers’ town.

Which makes it Jerry Richardson’s town. 

That’s the owner of the Panthers, the founder, the only man who has ever been in charge. The man whose net worth is reportedly $1.1 billion and whose team is worth some $2.1 billion, a member of the exclusive club that runs the $12 billion sports behemoth the NFL is.

Richardson and the Panthers pack a punch far more powerful than one player can, no matter how great or magnetic or influential that player is.

In fact, we now know that Richardson and the Panthers went to great pains, time and expense to flex that muscle on Newton and his personality — and literally, his person — than we ever knew.

It was reported in Sports Illustrated last week that notorious political consultant Frank Luntz, whose trail leads back to the noxious 1994 Newt Gingrich “Contract With America,” was called in by the organization during the offseason to, according to the story, “help Newton frame discussions on race." 

MORE: Newton: 'We all need to be held accountable' 

That explains, it seems, Newton’s comments from a recent ESPN interview (about "one-eighth of an inch" of skin), as well as his dodging of race-related questions in GQ magazine. His Wednesday comments appear shaped by that as well. On the one hand, seeing the long list of victims of police killings "is embarrassing,'' he said, as is the way that officers "take a leave of absence and still get paid."

And on the other: "It's a lot of black people that don't do right by black people." Overall, he said, "we all have to be held accountable.''

So, if the owner and organization has the kind of juice to manage their star's public image that much, the time has arrived for them to use it for something much greater.

All last season, Newton was told by local fans after he’d dab or smile or do the Superman gesture, to be more of a role model, who was asked, “What do we tell the children?” and was told how grateful he should be to earn millions playing a game. 

If anyone has ever told Richardson, or any other owner, how lucky they were to make billions-with-a-B off of talents like Newton, we haven’t heard it. Or, how lucky he is to do business in a city whose fans genuflect before them, show up even through 2-14 seasons, and whose officials hand over taxpayer money for their stadium.

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They don’t get to bask in the glory when the city honors them for the Super Bowls, then use their star players as human shields when things get ugly as they did Tuesday night. 

To his everlasting credit, 49ers owner Jed York has had Kaepernick’s back all the way in his protests.

The Panthers — and billionaire Jerry Richardson — can do even more.

They can stand in front of a hurting city, one where a segment of residents lives in genuine fear of the people who are sworn to protect and serve them, and say what should be done and what they’re willing to do to make it happen. 

Don’t just call for calm and unity, call for change and reform. Call for what will actually make Charlotte better, not just settle it down until another unarmed person dies at the hands of the police.

And they can make sure they carry the weight they deserve, not put it on their MVP’s shoulders.

David Steele