Cam Newton runs from chance to stand up by taking no sides on Colin Kaepernick

David Steele

Cam Newton runs from chance to stand up by taking no sides on Colin Kaepernick image

So, that whole next Ali-next Jim Brown thing? Cam Newton says nah.

And that description actually overstates his level of commitment to the cause the nation is fiercely debating. Newton’s thoughts on Colin Kaepernick, anthems, oppression, police brutality, the military, the role of  superstar athletes as activists? Ehhhhhhhhh … eh. Eh.

At least no one can say any longer that he didn’t speak at all. That’s what was said in this space early Thursday. Newton’s words on the subject, to ESPN, became public later Thursday. That is, they were words, phrases and clauses. But they barely fit the definition of “saying something."

It was an exercise in talking while not saying anything. The thoughts he chose to express, and his manner of expressing them, were safely profound and earnestly inoffensive. Especially that bit about how under our skin, “we’re all the same color.”

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It wasn’t the demeaning deflection disguised as universal brotherhood that is “All Lives Matter," but it’s close. 

And good for him not to mimic Jerry Rice on that, because who needs that? Rice sure doesn’t, since he’s been getting roasted online ever since tweeting that Tuesday night

Newton will surely be in for a full-scale inferno by people who thought, understandably, that this is a stage he should be eager to climb onto. 

But when he does get it, it will be for his intense desire to literally play it down the middle — as in, “Who am I to say that it’s wrong? Who am I to say that it’s right? Either or, it's still personal.”

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The Wallendas never straddled a fence better than he did.

If this is what Newton wants to do, and who he wants to be, no one can stop him. This is only more evidence that that’s what he’ll do from now on. It's pretty much an about-face from everything that led up to last season's Super Bowl, including his specific remarks about being an African-American quarterback who "may scare a lot of people."

That clumsy GQ cover story, in which the author seemed more interested in writing about himself than about the league MVP, made Newton look more like someone trying to avoid a trap, a “gotcha” moment, than someone ducking from the racial overtones of his public narrative.

It felt like he deserved a pass on that for being cautious with a strange questioner.

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Now, it’s not so clear.

The most troubling? To repeat an earlier point, Kaepernick is on an island right now. He needs a very public, open, unconditional, uncompromising ally. His stance needs the weight of a star colleague with nearly-bulletproof cred. 

He needs a 21st-century version of the Jim Browns, Bill Russells and Lew Alcindors surrounding Muhammad Ali.

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Cam Newton gave it a few days, created ideal conditions to be heard and to control his message — and said, nope, not me. Let someone else carry that. 

Or let somebody else dive on that loose ball, so to speak.

But give Newton some credit. Here’s two things about turning and fleeing from the burden that aren’t so bad.

— He’s not Drew Brees. Huge swaths of Saints fans, especially those of color, still in New Orleans and those driven away in despair by Katrina, saw him denounce Kaepernick and his cause and wondered how much more betrayal they were expected to take. They’re wondering who in town Brees was saluting while the police killings on the Danziger Bridge were dragging through the courts. Fans are not being shy commenting on it. 

Congratulations on becoming a Hall of Fame quarterback while being completely tone-deaf.

— Von Miller, J.J. Watt, Tom Brady and the rest of the NFL elite still haven’t said anything.

Cam Newton said something.

He also didn’t.

David Steele