Why Brandon Marshall is destined for television greatness

Troy Machir

Why Brandon Marshall is destined for television greatness image

SAN FRANCISCO — The television industry provides a cushy living for professional athletes when their playing days are over. They get paid handsomely and remain in the spotlight, all while avoiding the aches and pains that came with getting the most out of their bodies on a daily basis.

Jets wide receiver Brandon Marshall is poised to become the next great former-athlete-turned-broadcaster, but his desire to do so has nothing to do with fame or money.

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"A couple years ago I did a case study with Harvard and we studied Magic Johnson, Keanu Reeves, Michael J. Fox, Lance Armstrong, people who were doing some of things that I want to do in business and philanthropy and I really stuck to Magic Johnson and I couldn't get him out of my head," Marshall told Sporting News on Friday. "I was like, 'Why is this guy doing television when he is worth over half a billion dollars?' What stood out to me was that it was another platform for him to do things with the HIV community, to raise awareness of his cause, and that's what I want to do. Football is going to be over soon and I need another platform."

Marshall has been an outspoken advocate for the mental health community, having battled his own issues early in his career. He sees the opportunity football has granted him to make a difference.

"We're behind the eight ball," said Marshall, who is in California for Super Bowl week as part of DirecTV's Audience Sports social initiative. "This is the last great stigma in our country.We're 20 years behind the cancer and HIV efforts. That means we have to galvanize the community. We have to change the narrative.We want to put on-site care in schools. We want to intervene and we want to prevent. But the narrative is still wrong. The way we approach it is still wrong. So we have to change that, and it starts with people telling their stories and others listening."

This cause, this platform is what makes Marshall unique, so unlike TV contemporaries Keyshawn Johnson, Michael Irvin and Deion Sanders. Marshall is outspoken for the sake of advocacy, not entertainment. He speaks with clarity, with concern.

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As longtime sports broadcaster Dan Patrick puts it, Marshall has "it."

"We still don't know what 'it' is, but he has 'it'," Patrick told Sporting News.

"When you're around him, you just know. He has the charisma, the talent, the willingness to express himself. He's not afraid. He looks good. When you combine all of that with a willingness to learn — when a lot of athletes or coaches come in to broadcasting, they think they know what to do, and they don't — to consume everything there is to consume. That's the type of player he is, and if you attach that type of work ethic to it, he has a chance to do some special things.

"There are so many great stories, from Cris Collinsworth — who I interviewed his rookie season — who is now the best analyst in the business, to Troy Aikman, a Hall of Fame quarterback who, when he started, I said, 'Are you ready for the criticism?' and he said he was criticized as a quarterback and I said, 'But you can win a game as a quarterback, you can't win a game as a broadcaster.' The criticism is different, and not everyone can handle it."

Marshall might not have been able to handle the criticism in the past. He was thought to be "troubled." People labeled him a head case. He has developed a clear mind, which is one of his strongest assets as he transitions from the field to the set.

"Different guys do it differently," Patrick said. "But it's the ones who admit they don't know all the answers and have a willingness to find those answers who have the potential to do great things, and Brandon has shown that very early on."

Marshall is still in the early stages of his broadcast career, but it's evident from interviews he conducted with Arian Foster and Pacman Jones that the six-time Pro Bowler has a depth to his insight that many of the former football players-turned-talking heads don't have.

"I'm still learning, there's a lot I still don't know," Marshall acknowledged. "But I'd rather be on the other side talking news, investigative reporting. When we're in the locker room or cafeteria, we're not talking about football. We're talking about other things: news, politics, race. It's interesting stuff and It deserves to be talked about by someone like me."

At 31 and having just finished his 10th season in the NFL, Marshall is aware his time on the turf is coming to the end. But the sports broadcasting world is in desperate need of a voice like his.

He doesn't want a cushy future; he wants to make a difference, and that's exactly what he's going to do.

Troy Machir