Wisconsin's 336-pound nose tackle can do backflips like it's nothing

Christian Shimabuku

Wisconsin's 336-pound nose tackle can do backflips like it's nothing image

Wisconsin nose tackle Olive Sagapolu weighs 336 pounds, but that hasn't stopped him from being able to execute a perfect backflip.

A tweet from Wisconsin's football account offers proof of the 6-2 senior displaying an incredible acrobatic peformance — especially for a guy his size.

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And if that wasn't enough, it seems he's a man of many talents: Just check out this video of him playing ukelele and performing as a former high school cheerleader.

Sagapolu has started 19 of his 36 games played so far with the Badgers, and has 38 career tackles and three sacks. How he chooses to celebrate his next big play remains to be seen, but we hope it's half as exciting as that fantastic backflip he showed off. 

Christian Shimabuku