With the 9th Circuit denial of the O'Bannon petition to rehear appeal vs. NCAA, is the Supreme Court up next?

Justin Sievert

With the 9th Circuit denial of the O'Bannon petition to rehear appeal vs. NCAA, is the Supreme Court up next? image

The United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has denied the O'Bannon plaintiffs petition for a rehearing en banc of the appellate court's three-judge panel ruling in September.

An en banc hearing would have allowed a panel of 11 judges who serve the 9th Circuit to rehear the three-judge panel's ruling that while the NCAA had violated antitrust law, student-athletes should not be allowed to receive deferred payments of up to $5,000 per year for their name, image and likeness rights. While en banc hearings are rare, the 9th Circuit's direction of the NCAA to respond to the O'Bannon plaintiff's petition led some to believe a rehearing was possible.

MORE: NCAA members are reluctant to challenge enforcement decisions

The 9th Circuit's order today, however, followed the initial appeal. Judge Sidney Thomas voted to grant the petition for a rehearing. Judges Jay Bybee and Gordon Quist voted to deny the petition. Additionally, no other 9th Circuit Judge's requested a vote be taken on whether a panel should review the initial appeal. 

Is the Supreme Court the next stop for O'Bannon?

The O'Bannon plaintiffs now have 90 days to ask the United States Supreme Court to grant a writ of certiorari (i.e., to review the case).

In order for the case to be accepted, four of the nine Supreme Court Justices would need to accept the case. However, this is unlikely as the Supreme Court only accepts approximately 1 percent of the cases they are asked to review and the circumstances surrounding O"Bannon does not align with the Supreme Court's usual approach. The key factor being, while the case does have national significance, the 9th Circuit's ruling does not conflict with another Circuit Court's decision on the same issue. Because there aren't conflicting decisions present, there is no split on federal law, and no reason for the Supreme Court to intervene. 

Justin Sievert