Fight for student-athlete compensation not over in Ed O'Bannon case

Justin Sievert

Fight for student-athlete compensation not over in Ed O'Bannon case image

On September 30, the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit released its decision in the O'Bannon v. NCAA lawsuit regarding NCAA legislation that prohibits student-athletes from receiving compensation.

While the appellate court affirmed the majority of United States District Court Judge Claudia Wilken's ruling, including her reasoning that the NCAA has been violating Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act and her decision to allow NCAA members to provide scholarships up to the full cost of attendance, they overruled her decision to allow student-athletes to be compensated up to $5,000 per year for the use of their names, images and likenesses (NIL). On Oct. 14, the O'Bannon plaintiffs challenged the reversal and petitioned for a rehearing en banc, which means the fight for student-athlete compensation isn't over.

MORE: Game-changing NCAA litigation | O'Bannon and NCAA video games explained

The district court's decision to allow student-athlete compensation for NIL rights

The key questions before the district court were whether NCAA legislation is subject to antitrust law and, if so, whether NCAA legislation prohibiting student-athlete compensation unlawfully restrains trade.

In order to demonstrate an unreasonable restraint on competition, the restraint's harm to competition must outweigh the restraints pro-competitive effects under a burden-shifting framework.

Under this framework, the O'Bannon plaintiffs first needed to demonstrate the restraints (i.e., NCAA legislation) produced significant anti-competitive effects within a relevant market. If demonstrated, the burden would then shift to the NCAA to demonstrate sufficient evidence of pro-competitive benefits (i.e., how NCAA legislation promotes competition). If the NCAA met this burden, the burden would then shift back to the O'Bannon plaintiffs to demonstrate a less restrictive alternative available for the NCAA to achieve its objective.

The district court concluded NCAA legislation unlawfully restrained trade in two relevant markets; the market where schools compete for football, and men's basketball student athletes, by offering reduced-cost education (athletics scholarships) and the market where colleges compete for the football and men's basketball student athletes' agreement to allow their names, images and likenesses (NILs) to be used by third parties. These markets come together because, essentially, the student athletes are granting the use of their names, images and likenesses in exchange for their athletic scholarships.

The district court determined that without NCAA legislation, football and men's basketball student athletes would be able to sell their services without a market restraint (i.e., a scholarship cap at tuition, room, board and required textbooks and not being able to receive compensation for their NIL rights). 

The burden then shifted to the NCAA where they offered five pro-competitive benefits, only two of which were seriously considered. The NCAA could prevail if it could factually prove that maintaining amateurism increased overall consumer demand for college sports or that NCAA legislation restricting compensation to student-athletes promoted the integration of education and athletics and enhanced the student athletes' educational experience.

When analyzing the NCAA's arguments regarding the amateurism defense, the district court agreed with the NCAA that there could be issues with a large amount of compensation to student-athletes, but rejected the idea that some form of compensation would decrease consumer demand. The district court also agreed that restricting compensation could enhance the student-athlete's educational experience, but again, didn't agree a total prohibition was necessarily the least restrictive alternative.

The O'Bannon plaintiffs proposed three less restrictive alternatives, two of which the district court agreed with. First, the district court agreed that capping scholarships at the cost of attendance does not harm amateurism because the funds would be tied directly to the student-athletes educational experience. Additionally, the district court also agreed that a limited amount of compensation, spread equally, and held in trust until graduation would not create any issues with a student-athlete's academic integration.

The district court did believe the third alternative, allowing student-athletes to receive compensation from third parties for their NIL rights, was appropriate due to potential exploitation issues.

As a result, the district court enjoined the NCAA from prohibiting its member schools from offering student-athletes scholarships up to the full cost of attendance at their respective schools and up to $5,000 per year in deferred compensation, to be held in trust for student-athletes until after they left their institution.

The appellate court's reversal preventing student-athlete compensation payments

While the appellate court upheld the decision to allow NCAA members to give scholarships up to the full cost of attendance, it overruled the district court's decision to allow student-athletes to receive up to $5,000 in compensation for their NIL rights, relying on two major points. 

First, the appellate court stated the appropriate question for the district court to answer in its analysis was whether allowing limited student-athlete compensation for their NIL rights was as effective in preserving amateurism as not allowing any compensation. The appellate court believed the district court instead answered the question of whether paying student-athletes a large sum was more harmful than a smaller sum of compensation, which ignores the simple fact that not providing student-athletes cash compensation is what makes them amateurs. 

The appellate court further stated there is a difference between offering a student-athlete educational-related compensation (i.e., full cost of attendance) and offering cash compensation that isn't tied to educational expenses (i.e., NIL rights payments) and this is a drastic change from the current system. The appellate court was concerned once this line is crossed there would be strong push for challenging the arbitrary $5,000 cap set by the district court until the student-athletes were compensated for the full value of their NIL rights.

The O'Bannon plaintiffs file a petition for an en banc review

Although the appellate court found against the O'Bannon plaintiffs regarding deferred compensation for NIL rights, they plaintiffs filed a petition for rehearing en banc on Oct. 14. An en banc hearing would allow this issue to be heard by 11 of the 29 judges who serve the 9th circuit rather than the three judge panel that heard the appeal. While en banc hearings are rare, the 9th circuit directed the NCAA to respond to the O'Bannon plaintiff's motion on October 26, which could mean there is some support for further discussion on this issue. Once the NCAA files its appeal, one 9th circuit judge will need to call for a vote that would then require a majority vote to rehear the issue.

Should an en banc appeal fail, both the O'Bannon plaintiffs and the NCAA would have the opportunity to petition the United States Supreme Court to take the case.

Justin P. Sievert, Esq. is the founder/principal of Sievert Collegiate Consulting, a professor of sports, business and labor and employment law at Davenport University and is a contributing writer on sports law and sports business issues for Sporting News. He is an attorney licensed to practice in Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida and has focused his practice on higher education and sports law. Justin has a Bachelors of Arts (B.A.) from Union College (NY), a Master's Degree in Education (M.ED) from St. Lawrence University and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the University of Miami (FL).

Justin Sievert