NCAA members have been reluctant to legally challenge enforcement decisions

Justin Sievert

NCAA members have been reluctant to legally challenge enforcement decisions image

Since the NCAA Division I Infractions Appeals Committee affirmed the Committee on Infractions decision in its enforcement case involving high-profile student-athletes Reggie Bush and O.J. Mayo, critics have questioned the steps taken to adjudicate the case as well as the penalties levied against the Trojans. 

Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott challenged the NCAA to be more consistent in its rulings. Scott stated, "I fully expect that every NCAA member institution be held to the same high standards.” USC president Max Niklas echoed Scott's statement, adding USC was "very concerned that the historical value of case precedent and the right to fair process in the NCAA adjudicative process, both in terms of the ability of an institution to defend itself or prove an abuse of discretion on appeal, have been substantially eroded.” 

MORE: NCAA responds to O'Bannon petition | The forgotten NCAA antitrust case

McNair's lawsuit against the NCAA

While USC, albeit begrudgingly, moved on following the decision, and accepted the penalties and implemented corrective measures, one party, former running backs coach Todd McNair challenged the NCAA by taking the fight beyond the NCAA's courtroom and to the Los Angeles Superior Court.

McNair, who was Bush's position coach at USC, was penalized with a one-year show-cause order (meaning any school attempting to hire him during the year period would have to seek permission from the NCAA to do so) and an unethical conduct finding by the Committee on Infractions. The Committee found McNair knew or should have known about Bush's relationship with Lloyd Lake, a would-be sports agent who provided money and other benefits to Bush, and that he purposely misled investigators. McNair also took issue with the NCAA's "one-sided" adjudicative process (e.g., doesn't allow those targeted by investigations to cross-examine witnesses used).

McNair, following his failed appeal, sued the NCAA in June 2011, for defamation (libel and slander) and other claims. McNair, whose contract was not renewed by USC following the decision, has not been able to secure a position since. 

In November 2012, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Frederick Shaller denied the NCAA's motion to strike McNair's complaint and dismiss the case concluding the NCAA had recklessly disregarded the truth and calling the association's treatment of McNair "malicious".

Although the NCAA appealed, a three-judge panel from the 2nd Appellate District, found this week that the NCAA had "predetermined" its ruling against USC and McNair

"This evidence clearly indicates that the ensuing COI (Committee on Infractions) report was worded in disregard of the truth to enable the COI to arrive at a predetermined conclusion that USC employee McNair was aware of the NCAA violations. To summarize, McNair established a probability that he could show actual malice by clear and convincing evidence based on the COI’s doubts about McNair’s knowledge, along with its reckless disregard for the truth about his knowledge, and by allowing itself to be influenced by nonmembers to reach a needed conclusion."

USC's failure to challenge the NCAA

Since the USC case was affirmed by the Appeals Committee, USC faithful have challenged the institution's failure to "Fight On" However, USC's non-action isn't different than most NCAA members who have been found to have violations of NCAA legislation in their athletics departments. So, why would McNair be willing to challenge the NCAA while USC, the party with far greater resources, accept the outcome?

The answer is based on limited judicial review. This legal concept rests on the belief that courts will defer to a voluntary organization's decisions concerning its own rules and regulations. The feeling is that if a member has voluntarily chosen to be part of an organization, then you also volunteered to subject yourself to the association's power to administer and enforce the rules of the association. Any judicial involvement in the affairs of a voluntary association would impinge on the freedom of members to associate with each other.

Further, courts have found because these members create their own rules  they would be the parties best equipped to evaluate and enforce them. 

Because limited judicial review has such a strong legal foundation, USC and other NCAA members are fighting an uphill battle if they were to bring suit.

Is McNair a catalyst for change?

While the McNair result isn't going to flood courts with challenges to NCAA infractions cases, it does serve as a reminder that a voluntary association's conduct isn't immune from the legal system. 

A court will generally review a voluntary association's conduct when one of the following conditions is present: (1) the rule violates public policy because it is unreasonable; (2) the rule exceeds the scope of the association's authority; (3) the association is violating one of its own rules; (4) a rule is being applied unreasonably or arbitrarily; (5) the rule violates an established law; or (6) the rule is violating an individual's constitutional rights.

In this context, the focus for NCAA members will be on condition four, a rule being applied unreasonably or arbitrarily. USC's main argument would have been the penalties they received were much harsher than the penalties applied in similar cases.

To put this in a simple framework, let's say you own a home in a neighborhood with a home owner's association. Assume your association has a rule that requires all homeowners to paint their mailbox at least one time per year and that both you and your neighbor fail to paint your mailbox. However, you are fined $50 while your neighbor is fined $20.

Your reaction would be much like USC's reaction and this is how an NCAA member would take issue in court. Case precedent establishes consequences to sets of facts, which essentially furnishes a rule for subsequent sets of facts. Inconsistency in decisions is a basis for litigation and would allow for NCAA members, like USC, to challenge a decision if they believe there were prior cases with similar material facts, but different outcomes. 

Justin P. Sievert, Esq. is the founder/principal of Sievert Collegiate Consulting, a professor of sports, business and labor and employment law at Davenport University and is a contributing writer on sports law and sports business issues for Sporting News. He is an attorney licensed to practice in Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida and has focused his practice on higher education and sports law. Justin has a Bachelors of Arts (B.A.) from Union College (NY), a Master's Degree in Education (M.ED) from St. Lawrence University and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the University of Miami (FL).

Justin Sievert