The forgotten antitrust case: How an NCAA loss in Alston could impact college athletics

Justin Sievert

The forgotten antitrust case: How an NCAA loss in Alston could impact college athletics image

It is a landmark era in the world of college athletics litigation. The United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit affirmed United States District Court Judge Claudia Wilken's ruling in the O'Bannon case that the NCAA has been violating Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act and her decision to allow NCAA members to provide scholarships up to the full cost of attendance, the National Labor Relations Board rejected the Northwestern University football team's bid to unionize, and the Jenkins case, led by prominent sports attorney Jeffrey Kessler, awaits its opportunity to turn the college athletics world upside-down.

While these three cases have received the majority of headlines, an additional case, the Shawne Alston case, lurks in the background.

MORE: Student-athlete compensation fight continues | Game-changing litigation

Alston case seeks damages for past cost of attendance costs

On March 5, 2014, attorneys representing former West Virginia running back Shawne Alston proposed a class-action lawsuit against the NCAA and the Big 5 conferences (SEC, Pac 12, Big 10, ACC and Big 12).  The lawsuit alleged the NCAA and the Big 5 had violated antitrust law by capping the value of an athletics scholarships below the actual cost of attendance at those conference member institutions. The lawsuit argues the Big 5 would have implemented a cost of attendance stipend at their institutions if they were not bound by a collusive agreement (i.e., NCAA Division I legislation that limited the value of an athletics scholarships under the full cost of attendance) among themselves and the other institutions that comprise Division I. 

As a result, Alston demanded two specific remedies on behalf of all FBS football players who received grants-in-aid the previous four seasons (plaintiffs can only recover damages up to four years prior to filing in Sherman Act cases). First, Alston demanded an injunction that enjoined the NCAA and the Big 5 from maintaining and abiding by legislation that limited athletics scholarships to grant-in-aid. This demand became moot this past January when the Big 5 voted to pass legislation that increased the value of an athletic scholarship to cover the federally determined actual cost of attendance.

Alston's next demand was an award for damages for the difference between a grant-in-aid amount and the full cost of attendance. Alston argued enjoining institutions from agreeing to cap the value of athletics scholarships to grant-in-aid would have a procompetitive effect on the market for the services of FBS football student-athletes and wold also be a less restrictive alternative. Alston reasoned FBS institutions would then have to compete against each other as to the financial aid terms each institution made available to football student-athletes. 

O'Bannon appellate decision is a win for Alston

In terms of cost of attendance, the O'Bannon case went to trial seeking only an injunction against the NCAA from maintaining and abiding by legislation that limited athletics scholarships to grant-in-aid. The Alston case, however, also requested damages, arguing that the rules limiting athletics scholarships to grant-in-aid have violated antitrust law since adopted and the injured parties, FBS football student-athletes that participated during the four years preceding the lawsuit, should be awarded the difference between an institution's full cost of attendance value and the amount in grant-in-aid the student-athlete received. 

While O'Bannon and Alston sought different forms of relief, the O'Bannon case is important to the ultimate outcome of the Alston case for two reasons. First, the antitrust issue is one in the same, and the 9th Circuit affirmed Wilken's ruling in the  O'Bannon case that the NCAA had long been violating Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act and NCAA member institutions should have been able to provide athletics scholarships up to the full cost of attendance. Additionally, the Alston case is being heard in the same federal court as O'Bannon, which means it serves as case-precedent for Alston. As a result, Alston has a strong possibility of success should O'Bannon, as it currently stands, be upheld.

An Alston win is a victory for former student-athletes, but isn't a game changer for the NCAA

Should Alston prevail, a number of football student-athletes who received athletics scholarships from 2010 through the implementation of the new cost of attendance legislation would be entitled damages compensation for the difference between an institution's full cost of attendance value and the amount in grant-in-aid the student-athlete received.

One of the big issues here would be which football student-athletes would be entitled to said damages. The key factor here will likely be the date individual institutions began offering full cost of attendance. For Big 5 institutions and other institutions offering full cost of attendance, they would likely owe damages to all football student-athletes who weren't awarded full cost of attendance since the 2010 start date since they enacted full cost of attendance at their first opportunity, which serves as evidence the grant-in-aid cap was a true restraint. Football student-athletes that attended institutions that are still not offering full cost of attendance would have a much more difficult time demonstrating there was an illegal restraint.

Regardless, Alston, while potentially costly to institutions, isn't a game changer. An Alston victory would only have the effect of providing full cost of attendance approximately five years earlier than legislatively permitted. However, a loss will not open up the compensation market  to student-athletes for their names, images and likeness rights as O'Bannon requested, and it doesn't allow any type of free market system as Jenkins proposes. 

Justin P. Sievert, Esq. is the founder/principal of Sievert Collegiate Consulting, a professor of sports, business and labor and employment law at Davenport University and is a contributing writer on sports law and sports business issues for Sporting News. He is an attorney licensed to practice in Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida and has focused his practice on higher education and sports law. Justin has a Bachelors of Arts (B.A.) from Union College (NY), a Master's Degree in Education (M.ED) from St. Lawrence University and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the University of Miami (FL).

Justin Sievert