ACC coaches discuss player safety in wake of Larry Fedora's CTE comments

Christian Shimabuku

ACC coaches discuss player safety in wake of Larry Fedora's CTE comments image

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Larry Fedora caused quite a stir Wednesday when he discussed the state of player safety in football.

The North Carolina coach questioned the correlation between concussions in football and CTE during his session at the ACC Kickoff event, and later said that the sport is “under attack.”

“I fear the game will be pushed so far from what we know that we won't recognize it in 10 years,” Fedora told reporters. “And if it does, our country will go down, too."

BENDER: Fedora's CTE comments obtuse, uninformed

Sporting News spoke to several ACC coaches — Clemson's Dabo Swinney, Louisville's Bobby Petrino, Wake Forest's Dave Clawson, Syracuse's Dino Babers and Duke's David Cutcliffe — at ACC Kickoff to get their views on Fedora’s comments. While most did not directly comment on what he said, they did discuss player safety and the changes made to make it a priority in the sport.

The consensus: optimism toward the state of the game. That said, every coach acknowledged the risk involved in playing football.

“Obviously, it's imperative that we continue to make the game of football better, and we certainly have," Swinney said. "There's bad in everything, I don’t care what it is. … And there’s risk in everything. When you get on a plane, there’s risk.

“I know there’s risk, but I think there’s certain things that outweigh it."

Swinney pointed out that, in his 10 years coaching Clemson, steps have been taken to ensure the safety of his players, from the elimination of consecutive two-a-day practices to how officials call games.

Cutcliffe, who turns 64 in September, is the oldest coach in the conference. On Wednesday, he mentioned how much has changed for the better over his four decades of coaching.

“We've made great strides. You can't imagine the difference in equipment. Let's talk about the headgear because that seems that it's all anybody wants to talk about — the headgear is so much better. … We have paid a lot of attention to that," he said. "I think bigger strides, more strides have been made in practice and how you go about practice. I hope you all don’t think football’s bad or what you're watching on Saturday is.”

Cutcliffe also suggested playing in extreme heat is a bigger problem that deserves more attention, pointing to 19 former players being sent to the hospital for heat-related causes when he coached Ole Miss.

“God forbid we lose a player on the sideline. I talk to our training staff, to our doctors constantly about the best practices not only in head injuries but in heat. We have a formula that puts us inside. … I kept them out there because we didn’t have an indoor (facility). I went and worked them and didn’t care what the heat was. … I stopped that day."

MORE: Tyler Hilinski suicide: WSU QB had CTE

Petrino pointed out that injured players now have to deal with medical staff rather than coaches, which helps to avoid putting them in dangerous situations.

“When a player does have symptoms of a concussion, the coach is taken out of it and it’s strictly the trainer and the doctors, which is a good thing because you don’t have situations that probably were like when I was a player,” Petrino said. “You know, put some smelling salts under your nose and ask how many fingers do I have up."

In that regard, Babers said he takes a proactive approach when it comes to concussed players.

“If you play the game and you watch a play, I can see a guy being dinged and I’m taking a guy out of the game before the trainer even notices, and the trainer is not supposed to notice — he doesn’t have the eye that I have,” Babers said. “But as a coach, I’m like, ‘Get that guy out of there, send somebody else in the game.’

“I will not have one of my young men out there like that. It doesn’t do any good for them, obviously, and it doesn’t do any good for us because if they’re dinged then they can’t remember what to do in the first place. Get them out of the game, let them clear their head, let the doctors see them.”

The most recent rule change to promote player safety came in April when the NCAA ruled that any kickoff fair caught behind the 25-yard line will be placed at the 25.

“Times go on and things change," Clawson said of the rule. "The way that the game of football is played now is a lot different than it was 15 years ago. When I first got into coaching, everybody ran an 'odd' defense and everybody ran the I-formation. As football evolves and as information evolves, health and welfare is very important. I don’t think it ruins the game, it just changes it.”

Still, Swinney seemed to think the game of football will never be risk-free.

“It’s unfortunate that sometimes we learn more from the bad than we do the good, and sometimes it takes bad to really educate us to a point where you gotta make some changes,” he said. “The game is so different from when I was playing in the early '90s, oh, my lord. They’d carry us all off to jail today and that’s the truth. But it’s a different world and you don’t know."

Christian Shimabuku