Kid reporters grill Jim Harbaugh on milk consumption, homework

Max Bultman

Kid reporters grill Jim Harbaugh on milk consumption, homework image

Jim Harbaugh has garnered a tremendous amount of of media attention in his first seven months as Michigan's football. But at his first ever team media day, he got some questions that were a little, uh, unorthodox. 

In the same press conference that Harbaugh informed the media he didn't plan to talk to them much during fall camp, he answered randomly spaced questions from young children. 

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The subjects ranged from jersey numbers to nutrition, but usually drew long laughs from the donors and media in attendance.

First-grader Brady Carpenter asked Harbaugh: "How much milk do I have to drink to be big enough to be quarterback?"

Harbaugh, before answering, asked if he could give Carpenter a hug. Then, he got back to business. 

"That's a great question. I love that you're thinking about that," Harbaugh said. "Drink as much milk as your little belly can hold. Could be chocolate milk, could be the two percent, the ideal is whole milk. As much as your little belly can hold."

Another asked, "How do you make sure all of your players get their homework done?"

Harbaugh had a straight answer for that one.

"I've always looked at it as — they are people that are self-motivated," Harbaugh said. "They want to get their homework done and it's important to them to get better every single day."

One kid even got Harbaugh to explain his No. 4.

Apparently, Harbaugh originally wanted to be No. 10. But Michigan's longtime equipment manager Jon Falk informed him he would wear No. 4. And it stuck.

Any guesses on how much milk Harbaugh drank as a kid?

Max Bultman