NCAA should make an example of Baylor, level Penn State-like sanctions

Sean Gentille

NCAA should make an example of Baylor, level Penn State-like sanctions image

Pretend that every bit of the NCAA's sanctions against Penn State in 2012 held up.

We're not talking about the allegations by Jerry Sandusky's victims; this is about the stuff that eventually forced the NCAA to settle with Penn State — specifically, the alleged collaboration between the NCAA and Louis Freeh, and the "take this or else" way the NCAA got the university signature on the consent decree.

Just assume that the NCAA went about it the right way — that the scholarship rollbacks (from 25 to 15 a year), the roster reduction (85 to 65), the bowl ban (four years), the vacated wins (112), the fine ($60 million to child sex abuse prevention programs) and the transfer relaxations were all obtained in a way that'd hold up in court.

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Why, exactly, shouldn't that be the template the NCAA applies to Baylor?

We found out on Monday that, despite the school's best efforts to convince us otherwise, the problem of sexual violence against women, and the administration's hostile response to it, doesn't seem to be limited to the football program. From The Associated Press:

Investigators with the Pepper Hamilton law firm who dug into Baylor's response to sexual assault claims determined the school's rigid approach to drugs, alcohol and sex and "perceived judgmental responses" to victims who reported being raped "created barriers" to reporting assaults. Some women faced the prospect of their family being notified.

"A number of victims were told that if they made a report of rape, their parents would be informed of the details of where they were and what they were doing," said Chad Dunn, a Houston attorney who represents six women who have sued Baylor under the anonymous identification of Jane Doe.

Eight women are suing Baylor in three federal courts. Two of them say "they were pushed to accept alcohol conduct violations when they reported their assaults, or feared sexual conduct violations if they did." Some say they were grilled about their sexual history. Others say the school threatened to tell their parents where they were and what they were doing when the assaults occurred.

Where, in spirit, does all this differ from Penn State? Members of the football programs doubled as sexual abusers. The administration, tacitly or not, enabled it.

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The main differentiation point, right now, seems to be that Baylor's toxic culture was even more widespread than Penn State's. (Sorry, Jim Grobe.)

This isn't one predator coach — who, it should be noted, continues to horrify. The Baylor allegations imply a failure to apply the law and protect students that go, somehow, far beyond that. We already knew that Baylor shielded football players at the expense of the women they abused; Monday's report shows that it's even more institutionalized than we thought.

So, when (or if) the sanctions drop, they should be unsparing. Former coach Art Briles and ex-president Kenneth Starr have already paid the price. That isn't enough; it's just as important to make an example of Baylor, because dollars to donuts, it's a lot more common.

It's easy for schools to look at Sandusky and remove themselves — "Wow, that couldn't happen here, and if it did, we'd do the right thing." Bungling sexual-assault reports, though? Especially at religiously affiliated schools with Puritanical bans on alcohol and sex? That's going to hit home more closely.

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Maybe the NCAA gets trigger-shy after the PSU debacle — and really, the smart money should probably go there, because the ends didn't justify the means, in a legal sense. But if you think the NCAA, back in 2012, tried to do the right thing — that it tried to show how vital it is to do right by victims of sexual violence — you should be rooting for more scholarship reductions, more bowl bans and, most of all, another fine.

Fear is a powerful motivator. It'd be great to see any school with so much as an iota of Baylor behavior in their playbook come away terrified.

So, cross your fingers and hope one of the most powerfully incompetent governing bodies on the planet doesn't screw it up. Or, even better, that the court system handles business before the NCAA has a chance to blow it.

Actually, yeah, let's root for that.

Sean Gentille