Vicious brawl breaks out in Utah State-UNLV women's game

Joe Rodgers

Vicious brawl breaks out in Utah State-UNLV women's game image

Thought Saturday's fight between the Missouri and Georgia men's basketball teams was bad? 

A women's basketball game between Utah State and UNLV turned ugly during the third quarter after UNLV sophomore center Katie Powell shouldered Utah State senior forward Antoina Robinson, who responded with a push of her own. 

MORE: Sports brawls you won't forget

Not backing down, Powell punched Robinson in the neck area, setting off a benches-clearing brawl. The fight occurred after UNLV junior guard Brooke Johnson fell hard into the goal. 

Notice how Utah State guard Olivia West, a 5-6 freshman, wanted no part of the fracas and quickly retreated from the brawl.

UNLV went on to win 55-53 in overtime. 

Joe Rodgers