An idiot's guide to filling out your NCAA Tournament bracket

Troy Machir

An idiot's guide to filling out your NCAA Tournament bracket image

Selection Sunday has come and gone, and now it's finally time to fill out your 2016 NCAA Tournament bracket.

What's that? You already filled out your tournament bracket? WRONG. ALL WRONG.

MORE: The best Cinderellas | Printable bracket | Who will bust your bracket?

There are rules and regulations for something as important as your NCAA Tournament bracket.

Here are the rules.

An Idiot's Guide to Filling Out Your Bracket

1. Always wait until the last minute to fill out a bracket. You have a whole week to prepare. Why rush it when you can wait to copy experts' brackets later in the week?

2. Always fill out your bracket in pencil first. That way, when you tell your friends you initially had UNC-Asheville beating Villanova, you can at least back up the claim with some evidence.

3. When possible, use simple abbreviations. You'd be surprised how easy it will be to switch that Oregon State "OSU" to CSU-Bakersfield.

4. Oregon and Oklahoma are in the same region. Just write down "OU" as much as possible to hedge your bets.

5. Speaking of hedging your bets, there is no shame in filling out multiple brackets. 

6. People who bemoan multiple brackets are the worst. Almost as bad as the people who think "not filling out a bracket is more fun."

7. Also terrible people: The ones who complain that you tweet too much about your own bracket.

8. TOM IZZO IN MARCH. Don't know what that means? Don't worry about it. Just pencil in "TOM IZZO" somewhere in the Elite Eight and everyone will know what you're talking about.

9. Recent tournament failure does play a role. Sorry, Villanova. You aren't long for the Big Dance ... again.

10. But just because a team was successful a decade ago doesn't mean it isn't going to be good in this tournament. "I think Dunk City can do it again." Pro tip: It can't.

11. When all else fails, go with the mascots. We're looking at you, CSU Bakersfield ROADRUNNERS!

12. Speaking of mascots, the Maryland Terrapins play the South Dakota State Jackrabbits in quite possibly the greatest mascot tournament game of all time: TORTOISE VS. HARE.

13. Your pet dog likes treats. If you put treats on sheets of paper with the names of tournament teams scribbled on them, your dog will eat the treats. It will not help you figure out who to pick.

14. Be bold. Nothing says bold like picking a team not in the tournament to win a game. (SCREW YOU, NCAA. MONMOUTH ALL THE WAY!)

15. Don't be too bold. Pick a No. 12 seed to advance to the Elite Eight. Do not pick a No. 15 seed to advance to the Final Four. It's OK to be bold early. It's not OK to compromise your entire bracket because you "have a feeling Green Bay is going to shock the world."

16. A No. 16 seed has never beaten a No. 1 seed. Could it happen this year? Sure. Will it? Nope.

Troy Machir