NCAA files response to O'Bannon petition to rehear student-athlete compensation issue

Justin Sievert

NCAA files response to O'Bannon petition to rehear student-athlete compensation issue image

This past week the NCAA filed its response to the O'Bannon plaintiffs' petition for a rehearing en banc. The petition, which was filed on October 14, requested a review by a full panel from the United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals of the appellate court's three-judge panel ruling in September. The three-judge panel found that while the NCAA had violated antitrust law, student-athletes should not be allowed to receive deferred payments of up to $5,000 per year for their name, image and likeness rights.

The panel believed the district court's analysis incorrectly focused on whether paying student-athletes a large sum was more harmful than a smaller sum of compensation when reviewing potential alternatives to a complete prohibition on compensation. The panel reasoned an analysis of this question ignored the fact that paying student-athletes any compensation that isn't tied to educational expenses prevents them from being considered amateurs. The appellate court also expressed concern that setting an arbitrary cap of $5,000 would only result in further litigation.

MORE: A photo-history of NCAA champs | The forgotten NCAA antitrust case

In the petition, the O'Bannon plaintiffs focus on four separate arguments as to why a full panel review is appropriate. The NCAA response argues the review doesn't have merit and should be denied. Here is a look at the four arguments made by the O'Bannon plaintiffs and the NCAA's response to each.

The panel's reevaluation of trial evidence went beyond the limitations of an appellate review

The O'Bannon plaintiffs argued the appellate court went beyond the limitations of an appellate review when they reevaluated evidence that voluntary payments of up to $5,000 presented a less restrictive alternative. The plaintiffs explained a clear-error review would have upheld the district court's factual findings that a $5,000 payment wouldn't have transformed college athletics into a professional model. Instead, the panel essentially conducted a de novo review (i.e., the panel decided issues without reference to the legal conclusions or assumptions made by the District Court).

The NCAA stated the plaintiffs were simply unhappy with the panel's review. The NCAA reasoned the panel concluded the evidence did not demonstrate compensation not tied to educational expenses was a substantially less restrictive alternative than — and as effective in preserving amateurism as — a complete prohibition in compensation would be. As a result, they set aside this factual finding.

The panel's less restrictive alternative theory did not follow Supreme Court or 9th Circuit case precedent

The O'Bannon plaintiffs next focused on the appellate court's belief that the district court had erred when reviewing amateurism as an all-or-nothing proposition (i.e., that the district court shouldn't have focused on whether paying student-athletes a large sum was more harmful than a smaller sum of compensation). The plaintiffs contended the panel improperly required the plaintiffs to demonstrate its alternative (the $5,000 deferred payment) was as effective in preserving the concept of amateurism as the NCAA chooses to define it. They only had to demonstrate the alternative was as effective in preserving the popular demand for college sports as not allowing compensation, which they believe the evidence supported.

The NCAA argued the panel focused on preserving amateurism not because consumer demand was irrelevant, but rather because the panel recognized the NCAA's concept of amateurism is what makes college sports a different product.

The panel elevated the O'Bannon plaintiffs' burden of proof under a Rule of Reason analysis

The O'Bannon plaintiffs' third argument focused on the final step of the appellate court's Rule of Reason analysis. Under the analysis, the plaintiffs first needed to demonstrate the restraints (i.e., NCAA legislation) produced significant anti-competitive effects within a relevant market. If demonstrated, the burden would then shift to the NCAA to demonstrate sufficient evidence of pro-competitive benefits (i.e., how NCAA legislation promotes competition). If the NCAA met this burden, the burden would then shift back to the O'Bannon plaintiffs to demonstrate any legitimate objectives that could be achieved in a less restrictive manner.

The plaintiffs argued the panel held them to an elevated burden of proof as the panel stated in its decision a court should only replace a restraint with a less restrictive alternative when said restraint is "patently and inexplicably stricter than is necessary to accomplish all of its procompetitive objectives."

The NCAA shrugged off this language, stating the panel's utilization of this language was included in its analysis of the cost-of-attendance issue, which isn't on appeal, rather than in reference to any compensation outside of educational expenses. The NCAA further explained the panel was not holding the plaintiffs to a higher legal standard, but rather making it clear antitrust law isn't an appropriate vehicle for making small adjustments to already reasonable restraints (i.e., NCAA legislation prohibiting compensation).

The panel's use of the Board of Regents v. University of Oklahoma case was inappropriate

Finally, the plaintiffs contended the appellate court's reliance on the Supreme Court's dicta (i.e., statement of opinion considered authoritative,although not binding) that the NCAA should be given "ample latitude" to govern college athletics was inappropriate and again elevated the plaintiff's burden in providing a less restrictive alternative.

The NCAA defended the panel's reliance on multiple grounds. First, they argued that even if the language is dicta, the 9th Circuit has previously held dicta should be given appropriate deference. Additionally, they explained other United States Circuit Course had also relied on the language from Board of Regents in prior cases.

Justin P. Sievert, Esq. is the founder/principal of Sievert Collegiate Consulting, a professor of sports, business and labor and employment law at Davenport University and is a contributing writer on sports law and sports business issues for Sporting News. He is an attorney licensed to practice in Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida and has focused his practice on higher education and sports law. Justin has a Bachelors of Arts (B.A.) from Union College (NY), a Master's Degree in Education (M.ED) from St. Lawrence University and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the University of Miami (FL).

Justin Sievert