What it takes to get into the Basketball Hall of Fame

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How does a player get into the Basketball Hall of Fame? Originally answered on Nov. 5, 2015.

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Answer by Dave Hogg, freelance sportswriter:

First, there is no NBA Hall of Fame. There's a Basketball Hall of Fame that covers pro basketball, college basketball, the Olympics, women's basketball, international basketball ... everything.

As for how you get elected as an NBA player, you have to be retired for five years. Once you've managed that, and if you had a decent career, you will be put on the preliminary ballot, which will also include coaches (they have to have been retired five years or active for 25), referees (same as coaches) and, just to confuse this even more, players who were superstars in college. Ralph Sampson is in the Basketball Hall of Fame, for example. So is David Thompson.

That ballot, which also contains everyone left over from last year's ballot, is sent to the Screening Committee, which is made up of nine people. Each player on the ballot is voted on, and whomever gets seven yes votes stays in contention. Six or fewer votes, and they're out. Zero votes for three straight years and the person is dropped from the ballot unless he or she does something new.

At the end of all the voting, the candidates who received at least seven votes are listed in order by total votes — the nines before the eights before the sevens. At that point, the committee puts together a list of no more than 10 people. If it can do that, usually because only eight or nine people received seven votes, then its job is done. Those names are passed on to the Honors Committee. If there are ties that take the list over 10, the committee revotes to figure out which of the people with seven votes make it into the top 10.

At the end of all that, the 24-person Honors Committee takes the list and combines it with the list from the Women's Committee, which selects no more than two people.

The 12 (at most) finalists then get a vote from the Honors Committee. Those who receive 18 yes votes are in the Hall of Fame. In 2015, the committee elected six people: Spencer Haywood, Lisa Leslie, Dikembe Mutombo, Jo Jo White, John Calipari and Dick Bavetta.

The people inducted by the Honors Committee each year are joined by one person elected by each of these committees:
  • The Contributor (North American) Committee, which honors people who made their impact off the court. In 2015, the committee elected George Raveling for his career after coaching.
  • The ABA Committee, which honors players who were stars primarily in the American Baskeyball Association. In 2015, it selected Louie Dampier.
  • The International Committee, which honors people who impacted the game outside North America. In 2015, it selected Lindsay Gaze, a long-time player and coach in Australia. You might remember his son Andrew.
  • The Early African-American Pioneers Committee, which honors — as the name suggests — African-American players from the days before the NBA was integrated. In 2015, it elected John Isaacs, a great player with the New York Renaissance before World War II.
  • The Veterans Committee, which honors people who have been out of the game for at least 35 years and were overlooked the first time around. In 2015, it selected Tommy Heinsohn.

"But wait!" I hear you exclaim. "Tommy Heinsohn was one of the greatest players in NBA history! How could they have waited this long to put him into the Hall of Fame?!?"

You are absolutely correct. It would have been a travesty for Tommy to have been left out of the Hall this long.

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He wasn't.

He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1986. This year, the Veterans Committee decided that he deserved to be elected again, this time as a coach. He's the fourth person to be honored in such a way, joining Lenny Wilkens, Bill Sharman (because the 1960s Celtics don't have enough Hall of Famers — they have to start inducting them twice) and John Wooden. Yes, John Wooden was once young enough to have been a basketball player. A very good one, obviously, though he retired at the age of 29 because he thought he might enjoy coaching.

One more thing: There can also be teams elected to the Hall of Fame; they go through the same process as players, coaches, and refs. Not NBA teams or college teams, but teams that were great in other situations. The 1960 U.S. Olympic Team is in, as are the Harlem Globetotters, the aforementioned New York Renaissance, and The First Team, which consisted of the kids who were in Dr. James Naismith's gym class when he invented basketball. Yes. Really.

You know what other team is in the Hall of Fame? The Dream Team. It's hard to argue with that, since that was the greatest collection of basketball talent ever assembled; however, it was so great that inducting it was almost entirely meaningless. The official induction for the Dream Team includes the 12 players, head coach Chuck Daly and assistant coaches Wilkens, Mike Krzyzewski, and P.J. Carlesimo. Of those 16 men, 14 were already in the Hall of Fame. The only people this actually honored were Christian Laettner and Carlesimo.

(As a matter of fact, if you were playing close attention, you'd notice that this means Lenny Wilkens is in the Hall of Fame THREE times.)

One last thing before anyone asks: No, I don't know who is on any of the voting committees. It is one of the biggest secrets in basketball.

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