Stephen Curry and the media: The stories behind the NBA MVP's stories

Adi Joseph

Stephen Curry and the media: The stories behind the NBA MVP's stories image

So the dominant player of this NBA season walks up to a microphone, and someone tells him to shut up. The room fills with laughter. Riley Curry may be harder to contain than her father.

Stephen Curry shared the laugh with the media members gathered. The NBA MVP is having a moment, with his Warriors soon-to-be in the NBA Finals and his daughter sitting on his lap. And he’d invited the many people chronicling that journey in on this intimate family memory.

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“I was in the room when it happened, and the mood inside the room — in the moment, I thought Steph might have been the most flabbergasted of anybody,” Sports on Earth writer Erik Malinowski said. “He was the one being interrupted. But yeah, it was hilarious. It felt like a really human moment. It felt really genuine."

“Genuine” comes up often when discussing Curry. The media that cover the Warriors star can’t help but feel connected to him and his unique path to NBA stardom. It’s more than an underdog story — the small frame and small college that frame his story are focal points, sure, but the complex relationship between subject and scribe is more about the moment.

It’s about the moments like 2-year-old Riley interrupting her father’s news conferences (twice, now, during these playoffs). The scenes have provided Vine and talking head fodder lately, but those who have covered Curry closest don’t see any reason for angst. Those who might have been interrupted never felt inconvenienced. And if they saw another side of Curry, it came later.

“There was a little bit of a moment, in the practice the next day, where someone asked him about this stuff with Riley,” Sporting News’ Jimmy Spencer said. “And he said, 'What are they mad about? They want me to get a different daughter?' It was one of the rare times where you see Steph with a little bit of an attitude. That was, in an odd way, the first time this postseason. And it was for spending time with his daughter, which says a lot.”

Curry is the transcendent figure of this NBA season. He’s the best player on the best team, and as the NBA Finals tip off Thursday, every media organization that covers the NBA has wanted a piece of his story. Sporting News spoke with 10 writers who have covered Curry in various capacities about the challenges and good fortune of this run. The writers (alphabetically) are:

The conversations found common threads even through disparate experiences for each writer. Mostly, Curry balances his own openness and transparency in a way that makes him easy to write about and hard to write something new about.

A near-perfect season

The Warriors won 67 games this regular season. Now they are the heavy favorites in the NBA Finals against the Cavaliers. Curry won the 3-point contest at All-Star Weekend and followed that up with NBA MVP, becoming the third point guard to win the award since 1991. Curry broke his own regular-season 3-point regular-season record, then broke Reggie Miller's 3-point postseason record. 

The rise comes from a player who made his first All-Star appearance in 2014 and a team that won 51 games last season. Curry, the No. 7 pick in the 2009 NBA Draft, was good. But this good?

Spencer: I remember covering the Denver Nuggets-Warriors playoff series two years ago, Steph Curry's first playoff series. I can remember him sitting at that first home playoff game, all alone at his locker before the game. Nobody was in there, nobody was talking to Steph. Steph was willing to talk. So I chatted with him for a few minutes, and at the end, I said, “Gosh, it's not going to be like this much longer.” He kind of laughed.

Kruse: I don't think this year was some sort of lightning strike as much as an ongoing accumulation. It doesn't stun me watching Stephen. ... A couple years ago, when they played the Nuggets in the playoffs, that felt to me like more of a turning point than this year.

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Amick: The winning is what takes it to the next level. He's been an entertaining sideshow for a couple of years. I do think, I wouldn't call it “East Coast bias” but “East Coast reality,” as people are going to sleep there and if the Warriors are not a top-tier team, they might not take the extra time to watch a guy like Steph Curry. I think that came into play the last couple years when it comes to his more global, nationwide fame and popularity. Once these guys started winning, his star just started shooting through the roof.

Malinowski: This is the coolest development, right? Normally we see these things coming. But nobody saw this sort of elevation coming this season. Nobody saw him taking this team to 67 wins. ... A lot of people have been completely blindsided by this, but I think the people in the Bay Area, we've sort of seen the steps, seen all the pieces coming together over the past six years.

Connecting with a star

Curry can be almost superhumanly humble, particularly in the public eye. He will speak to anyone who requests him, even doing a video for his hometown church's men's meeting recently. But the demands on his time are humongous now, as he ascends up the ranks of NBA stardom.

Simmons: I always laugh about his rookie year because he was so worried about what he was saying and how he was quoted. Our policy at the Chronicle is, unless you're doing a feature or a profile that would show a person's dialect, we fix everything grammatically. The first time I fixed one of his quotes grammatically, he pulled me aside and was like, “What did I do wrong there?” I've never been around a player who has cared about that, noticed that or asked about that.

Spencer: I've known Steph now since he was a rookie in the league, pretty well. I got to know him in so many different settings and different types of conversations. Steph Curry's a guy who will go anywhere with you. He doesn't just stick to basketball. He and I, we share a faith, and we talk often about that. So I've seen that different side of him.

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Amick: I remember, back when I was covering the Kings, their front office was so in love with Tyreke Evans as the guy they wanted to draft that there was an assertion floating around that the front office needed to convince ownership that Tyreke was the guy to go with. So as they set up draft workouts, people got real suspicious when they had Tyreke going up against Steph Curry just because it was such a physical mismatch. And from Steph's camp, there was some people who were a little put off by that, like, 'Are you really looking at him?' ... I remember at that time asking Steph if he had heard that. He didn't know if it was true or not, but he clearly had heard it.

It was one of those moments where, if ever you were going to get a guy to say, 'Don't they know how good I am?' And even today, I've asked him about that story as recently as six months ago, and he just shakes his head. You can guess what he's thinking, you can imagine what he's thinking, but he just doesn't go there. And you hear that's the case privately, for the most part, too. I don't think it's fake. He just chooses to let things drive him but keeps them behind the screen.

Ramirez: His first All-Star appearance in New Orleans, I was there for his first media availability as an All-Star. It's way more media than he'd ever seen. And he stayed the same guy. He wasn't overwhelmed. The Bay Area media is mostly safe and fair, but these media members were shouting out questions and stuff, and he really was the same person.

Leung: He's a true professional when it comes to that setting. He just gets bombarded by so many requests, but you don't see him shy away from that in terms of, “Hey, I'm having a bad day. This isn’t for me today.” You don't see him avoid media. But when you look at his day-to-day routine, he understands now with his status, he's going to get all sorts of requests, from beat writers to feature writers to bloggers.

Understanding the man

Curry's background is as written about as any aspect of his game. He's the son of a longtime NBA player, Dell Curry, and the product of small-school Davidson College. He also was small for a basketball player, learning to work with what he had while being underrated often. The result is a personality distinct from other NBA superstars.

Jenkins: As somebody who has written a lot about Peyton Manning, I have a theory on that. I think that people who come from more affluent backgrounds, sons of professional athletes, their lives tend to be chronicled more. A lot of guys in the NBA, their families were trying to get by, trying to make it one paycheck to the next. I don't know that there was as much time spent chronicling their every move. When you write about Peyton Manning, it's amazing how much his life was chronicled, how many pictures and videos there are. And I think Steph is similar in that way.

Collins: In some ways, he's the anti-cliché. We always go to the rags-to-riches stories. We want to write about basketball players who had really hard childhoods and rose above it, where as he was raised with a fairly silver spoon. They kept him responsible and made him do chores, and he certainly isn't a spoiled brat. But he had an easier path to success than some. ... But if anything, I think it's harder to be humble in a situation like that. He had every reason to think he was the best.

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Malinowski: I think the best representation of that was his MVP speech. It was honest, it was heartfelt, he talked openly in that speech about his earliest days with the Warriors and fighting to fit in and become a leader of this team. That's the guy. It's not an act. It's not a facade. He's a megastar at this point, and I'm not sure how many megastars you can say that about.

Amick: With Kevin Durant's MVP presser, his message of growing up in a single-parent household, not much money, trying to figure out how to get by and coming to tears thanking his mother. She's crying in the front row. That related to the masses in a way that we never may see again in that kind of setting. Steph Curry's MVP speech was really good, meaningful stuff. ... But it just simply didn't resonate in the same way because people can't relate to having a father who was a professional athlete, the tight, nuclear family, things like that. It put his experience in a different category.

Nothing too brash

Perhaps as a result of his background, Curry knows how to handle the media. While MVP rival James Harden called himself the MVP, Curry let the voters speak for him. He prefers to speak about his teammates and coaches, deflecting compliments at any chance. Yet fans hang on to his every word.

Leung: The quotes may not fly off the page every day, but we just want a guy to be as genuine as possible, in terms of his emotions and what he's expressing to you. And it checks out. ... Given the amount of questioning he takes, all the different things coming toward him, to be able to express your feelings all the time is something he's grown comfortable in.

Simmons: I think he's purposefully boring in gaggle interviews and when he's on the dais. I think he does that on purpose because he doesn't want to draw more attention to himself. He wants to talk about the other guys. ... The only way to get him to talk about himself is to start joking around with him or talking about his other loves. Get him talking about his daughter, his wife, his religion.

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Amick: If you look at James Harden, he's gotten a lot more cooperative with the media and yes, says some brash things from time to time. But he doesn't seem as interested in offering insight, telling you how he sees the game. That's one of the strengths of covering Steph. He will describe the game of basketball in a way that helps you understand his vantage point. ... He can be vanilla, yes, but he's giving you real answers.

Kruse: I've always found Stephen to be an earnest, open interviewee. At the same time, though, I found him to be very disciplined. He does not overshare. And he's not a great quote. His play has always been by far his superior form of expression. ... In writing about him, I find it much more instructive and helpful to talk to the many people who know him.

What's left to say?

Davidson's men's basketball media relations department gets about six interview requests a week for coach Bob McKillop. He's the one who recruited and coached Curry during his initial rise to fame. Yet Curry has had three NBA coaches in the meantime.

That should put into perspective the kind of coverage Curry is getting these days. Digging deep may not be enough anymore. Finding something new about Curry is the challenge presented to writers.

Jenkins: It's like a Curry flurry of stories! It's a much greater challenge. I liked the (James Harden profile) much more. Curry's been written about so much. ... Whenever I write about a guy who's like a rookie or a college player, it's way easier.

Spencer: You think about anybody's individual story, even your own story. There's things that even my best friends don't know. Not secrets, just things you haven't learned yet. I think the public and NBA fans and especially Curry fans, they want to dive completely in on everything about their favorite player. So when we describe Steph Curry, we're picking up those pieces of the past as ways to describe Steph Curry today.

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Phillips: I wanted to make readers feel how improbable Curry's rise has been, or at least how improbable it's looked at every stage. But it's hard to re-invest his early years with urgency and uncertainty when the story has worn into a cliche. I tried to do it by stringing together enough unfamiliar details — like the house his parents built in Charlotte, which I opened with — that some of the familiar stuff could sort of sneak in under cover of surprise.

Leung: Sometimes you hear the same underdog story over and over. You see some of the anecdotes repeating themselves. But I think people are taking on a new interest because of the MVP Award.

Simmons: I've found with our readers that, if it's Stephen Curry, it doesn't matter if you repeat yourself. They want to read more about him. The story never gets old. So you can put a slightly different twist on it, but if it's Stephen Curry, our readers want to eat up every inch of it. But the other thing is, everyone who has ever been around him wants to talk about him, wants to help tell his story, wants to tell some new angle, some new vantage point of his story. So that's what we've done a lot of now is had outside voices talk about him and every little piece of his life.

Ramirez: I'm never going to get tired of reading about or seeing Steph.

Finding conflict

It's a basic tenet of all storytelling: You need to find something wrong, or you have no story. That can be an issue with the Curry narrative, where the great criticism these days is that he sometimes can be a little sloppy with the ball.

Amick: His first couple years in the league, he got tired of hearing he couldn't play defense, tired of hearing he was too small. And you could tell he was annoyed by certain narratives that came his way over and over again.

Spencer: The biggest controversy really of Steph's career was when it was him and Monta Ellis, and people thought they couldn't coexist. But even then, there was never anything negative coming from Steph about it. There was more, in the beginning, he didn't want to be a Warrior. Sam Amick did a good story about that, how his dad wanted to be in a different spot in the draft. The other one is Mark Jackson was fired, and Mark was very close to Steph. Yet he handled it brilliantly.

Simmons: The worst thing I've ever heard about him is, (Warriors general manager) Bob Myers the other day said, “I saw him walking into the arena, and he didn't take his sunglasses off.” So Bob turns to him and says, “So that's what we're doing now? You're going to be a guy who doesn't take his sunglasses off?” And that's the worst thing I've heard about Stephen Curry.

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Kruse: You're always looking for the bruise on the apple to make the person real. Not a cardboard cutout, not a one-dimensional character. Where's the bruise? I don't know. I don't know. I'm sort of at a loss because I've spent, off and on, years writing about Stephen and thinking about Stephen. And I'm not sure I've done that particularly well.

Collins: You have to complicate the character. There needs to be shades of gray. And everybody just talks about Steph Curry as the second coming of the Messiah, where he's just this perfect person on and off the court. In some ways it's really nice. It's nice to see that there's a humble athlete. But at the same time, it's hard to not write a puff piece.

What's next in this fairytale?

There's always a fall after the rise. And the sports media world loves to take advantage. But unlike Kobe Bryant or LeBron James or Kevin Durant, Curry never was expected to be a once-in-a-generation superstar. That underdog story line could wind up his saving grace; simply put, no one expected this, and the expectations may continue to be managed realistically.

Or Curry may find himself in the meat grinder if the Warriors lose Game 1 Thursday.

Spencer: Right now, I think it's easy for people to question Dwight Howard because everyone else is doing it. But when you are the first person to take that stance, you're going to stop and really think about what you're writing. And when that moment happens, it is hard to overcome that. But even with Steph Curry, he is going to face that moment. It's inevitable.

Jenkins: He's at that golden moment in his career where he can do no wrong; definitely at the peak of his career. And you just wonder if that'll ever change, or is he kind of insulated from it because of his size, where he went to college, elements of his background? ... And it's kind of a shame. That's what superstar arcs should be. Anthony Davis will experience that arc in full. He'll get his ascent. He'll get his moment at the top. And then the expectations, the demands, he'll fall short. There will be obstacles. That, to me, is the life of the superstar. And I'm not sure Curry's going to see it in the same way.

Phillips: I think the adoration with which he's regarded now has a lot to do with the way he's made these sort of geometric leaps of ability and success, how he's gotten, not just better, but a lot better with each stage of his career. And there's no way he can keep doing that — not to underestimate Steph, but eventually you run into the limit of human potential.

Adi Joseph

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