Pat McCrory is a bigot, and that's no 'P.C. BS'

Sean Gentille

Pat McCrory is a bigot, and that's no 'P.C. BS' image

Credit where it's due: Pat McCrory's dedication to bigotry is impressive.

The governor of North Carolina is so far in the tank for a bill that discriminates against his LGBTQ constituents and has cost his state hundreds of millions of dollars that it's almost jealousy-inducing. We should all be so lucky to have something we love as much as Pat McCrory loves putting transgender people in danger.

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The NBA on Thursday brought out the hook for the 2017 All-Star Game, which was to be held in Charlotte, over House Bill 2, which bans N.C. municipalities from passing laws designed to protect LGBTQ people. The justification, pathetic as it is, has always been "because most people believe boys and girls should be able to use school bathrooms, locker rooms and showers without the opposite sex present," McCrory said in a released statement.

That means that in Charlotte, which spurred the bill for having the gall to attempt to secure equal rights for its citizens, and in the rest of the state, transgender people can't use the restroom of their choice. If a person is born male, but does not identify male, they are still forced to use the men's room, thus opening themselves up to have their asses kicked (or worse) by, say, a frightened, hateful redneck standing at a urinal.

That's the danger. It's not that transgender people are going to use bathrooms as a vehicle for assaulting children, because that doesn't happen. That's something cisgendered people do, and they're not going to magically stop because entering the bathroom is illegal. 

It's not that perverted 12-year-olds are going to hang out in the girl's room taking iPhone photos, because that assumes literally zero common sense on the part of teachers.

The danger is that LGBTQ people are forced every minute, because of Pat McCrory, to risk their physical and emotional health in public places because he doesn't respect them enough to protect them. He doesn't respect them at all.

And the thought, for a while, was that McCrory would roll things back once the consequences started to stack. PayPal pulled out of a huge planned facility in Charlotte. Bruce Springsteen canceled a concert in Greensboro. But, it seemed safe to assume that if enough of that happened — with the All-Star Game and the NBA's attention to the problem as the hanging ax — McCrory's innate love of money, and maybe for protecting his state from widespread harm, would win out.

It didn't, and so despite the fact that Charlotte — a city McCrory was mayor of — has now lost the All-Star Game, he continues to double down.

On Friday, a day after blaming "the sports and entertainment elite" and "the liberal media" for the decision rather than himself, McCrory went on Charlotte's WFAE and got even dumber. Now, it's "total P.C. BS," he says (via the Charlotte Observer), as if only the politically correct bogeymen can gin up enough outrage to make this matter. "P.C." is a beyond loaded term, but at its worst, it's bigoted shorthand, designed to take actual concern for equality and minimize it.

Think racist cops should stop shooting unarmed black men for no reason? P.C. Think trans people shouldn't have to use McDonald's bathroom in abject fear? P.C. It's pathetic, and it's stupid, and it, of course, is the crutch McCrory is using today, in between criticizing Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski for calling the law "embarrassing."

McCrory also took time to set up a strawman we've seen from critics of the law before; 22 states are suing the federal government over the Obama administration’s decision to allow transgender students in public schools to use bathroom facilities that correspond with their gender identity. Why not nail those states too, McCrory asks. Why is the NBA practicing “selective outrage” over HB2 driven by the “political left?"

It's because HB2 actively repeals protection that was on the books. It's a simple distinction that McCrory, curiously, opts not to make.

"Those other states have never put the protection in place," state representative Graig Meyer told Sporting News in April. "This bill repealed any local protections for those people. And it’s the first time since the Civil Rights Era that I can think of where a state has taken away public accommodations and protections for any group of people.

"This was an actively discriminatory bill. This is not the same as states that haven’t added that protection yet.”

On and on it'll go. One thing seems clear; the All-Star Game isn't coming back unless McCrory budges, and he's not going to budge anytime soon. Hopefully, stuff like this continues happening — then, we can finally see where McCrory's dedication to harming a vulnerable minority of his state ends, and where his dedication to helping the majority of it begins.

Sean Gentille