NBA referees must be more accountable if they want us to be less upset

Sean Gentille

NBA referees must be more accountable if they want us to be less upset image

First, since it's what the National Basketball Referees Association would prefer, let's focus on the positive.

There are parts of the NBRA's position paper on the "Last Two Minute Report" that make sense. Two of the big ones come at the end, under the "Recommended Process Reform" header.

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Yes, there should be more transparency baked into league-produced video appraisals of how referees do their jobs at the most crucial moments. That's what it's all about in the first place. Yes, we should know who exactly is reviewing and editing those videos. Yes, we should know what the league told the referees ahead of the game — if a particular set of guidelines or points of emphasis were communicated ahead of time, in the interest of context and fairness, refs deserve for that to be public knowledge. See — transparency!

Beyond that, though, the NBRA's "proposal" is self-serving goofiness cloaked in the concept of "preventing harm to the league." It's about preventing harm — deserved harm — to officials, and little else.

And really, you shouldn't blame them; we've all got to look out for ourselves. An association of basketball referees is going to act in the best interests of basketball referees. All in the game. But they're doing little more than that.

Mainly, this is because the position paper ignores a huge part of the whole undertaking. It's not just about transparency — it's about accountability on the part of the guys who are making mistakes. It's also about deterrence, so that they either stop making the same mistakes, or start making them a little less often.

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So, whether it's an example of self-preservation or a bargaining tactic, before the NBRA made it to the reasonable stuff, it offered up a big ol' omission-filled plate of mischaracterizations of a process that, above all else, has brought unwelcome attention to the crappy job its members have done in the 2016 postseason.

— Transparency does nothing to change the outcome of the game. (Nope, but it helps fans understand it better. We'll take it.)

— Transparency encourages anger and hostility toward NBA officials. (Maybe, but not as much as crap officiating. Let's prioritize.)

— Focusing on officiating statistics encourages stat-oriented, vs. game-oriented, officiating. It is in the best interest of the NBA and its fans to encourage and develop game-oriented referees that balance game flow and fair play. (Know what's in the even better interest of the league? Less enormously consequential mistakes by its officials.)

— Efforts to promote transparency have encouraged the idea that perfection in officiating is possible. Perfection is neither possible nor desirable; if every possible infraction were to be called, the game would be unwatchable and would cease to exist as a form of entertainment in this country. (And then there'd be a robot invasion, and then the world would end. This is concern trolling. L2M reports are trying to encourage the idea that better officiating is possible.)

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— Transparency has been misused as a catalyst by some teams to mobilize fans against the officials in an attempt to coerce more favorable treatment. (Gotta show some receipts for this one.)

— While the goal of transparency was to promote understanding and credibility, there is no evidence that progress against these goals is being made. (Other than helping people understand just how hard the officials blew, say, Game 2 of Thunder-Spurs. And understanding why they made all those other mistakes.)

And then they segue into the recommended reforms — assuming they don't get their wish, and the league doesn't dump the system altogether.

Again, all those proposed reforms make sense. Good job. Just do your actual job a little better, and this will all matter less.

Sean Gentille